Chapter 23

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Serena's POV

"No." I calmly say stepping forward from his back. I'm guessing these are the three trained assassins who were meant to arrive here by tomorrow morning.
"If they're not, stay behind me." He tries to step in front of me again but I hold my combat knife out for him to take.
"Try not to die." I wished him before striding towards the three assassins after Koen takes a hold of the knife. I believe they were sent by my dear brother's father's as a gift or from a past enemies.

"What do you want?" I threaten with my voice holding confidence and dominance but the three men don't stop approaching me.

I quickly stride towards them in quick steps and hold my fists up. They immediately separate from each other circling me between their Bermuda Triangle formation. A classic tactic.
Standing in the centre, my eyes and head bounces to each of them, watching them circle me in.

As they got closer, one reaches for a dagger behind his back, one reaches for robes in his shoulder bag but the last one takes my distracted self as an opportunity, reaching for my throat but his hand stops by an inch from touching my skin before his whole body was snatched back violently.

"Do not. Fucking. Touch her." Koen barks in the assassin's face while gripping the back of his nape with his left land, his right hand hesitating to dig the dagger into the body.

"Agh! Get that bitch!" The one with the robes growls frustratedly to his other companion making me take my eyes off Koen. The man with the dagger lunges at me, endlessly swinging his knife at my neck. I take circular motion steps to dodge around with my left hand blocking his punches as much as possible while I try to pull out my gun with my right hand.

Suddenly when I'm about to pull out my gun to shoot the motherfucker, my right wrist was forcefully pulled stretched out. The man had taken the opportunity of when I was distracted fighting the other one, he lasso my hand through.

Before I see it happen, my entire body was pulled harshly to the side then dragged onto the dirt ground by my right wrist. The impact knocks the air out my lungs as I squirm on the ground trying to untie myself from being further dragged but then my left ankle was suddenly picked up by the other man. Then the man who holds my boot doesn't hesitate to slit my Achilles tendon with his dagger, right above my boot and through my pants.

The pain ripples through my entire left leg like all my nerves were on fire along with thousands of pins puncturing into my inner skin. I fight the urge to scream out a cry as I clench my teeth together and hang harder onto the robe that is threatening to dislocate my shoulder next. I try to muster the strengths into my right leg to kick him off from doing the same to my left but I've lost too much strength already.

Then unexpectedly, the man holding my legs is taken to the floor brutally by Koen's entire body. I watch for the short second seeing Koen take advantage of the surprise attack and continuously slam punches after punches to the man's face. As the man defensively groan, I felt the grip on the robe loosen from my wrest and rapidly draw out my gun out, firing two shots above me under his neck. His blood explodes out and rains over my mask and the ground before his body drops back.

Pulling my hand free from the noose, I then try to stand but fail miserably after attempting to take a step. I fall to the ground, now feeling the agitating ache all the way up to my spine. I focus in taking deep breaths on the dry ground, on my knees and palms holding myself up. After that quick minute, I hold my gun steady towards where Koen is still fighting the man and fires a clean shot to his head when Koen was pushed back.

Before the body drops, Koen had already turned towards my sorry state, running in a serious frown. Within a few steps that he would reach me, a brutal foot stomps onto my hand, making me lose grip of the gun. Then the foot kicks my gun far from reach,
"Хуй тебе! (Go fuck yourself)" I curse him.

But the back of my nape and back hair was gripped in a tight hold pulling me off my knees then onto my backbone again.
"Let her go! You fucker!" Koen shouts, sprinting even faster while I am now being dragged backwards into a chocking position by the neck and pulled to the end of the cliff.

My air stream tightens the more I try to claw and pull his hand off my neck. This wouldn't have happened if I reacted faster to pull out my last gun and kill him but keeping myself from chocking to death was my first priority.
"You killed my brothers! Die!" The man angrily spat in a thick accent I can't process as pain and the lack of air is making me lightheaded.

He starts to push my body back, and I feel the absence of the ground. Panic overcomes and subdue my body's pain and dizziness. I struggle gripping onto his arm but half my ass was slid off.
My head started to chant 'no' continuously.
"Argh! I'll kill y-" his rage is cut off with a low groan after 2 small sounds touches through his clothes.

He dramatically clenches his chest and looks down on me but I look behind him seeing Koen standing not so far pointing the gun at the assassin in front of me.
"See you in hell." The whisper echoes in my head before my shoulders were shoved down. I let a small shrill when I see my fall happening in a slow motion, as in my moment of death had no sound reaching to my ears and time had stopped but not me.

It's almost peaceful?

I like it.

I accept...

"You're not dying, Amelia!"
His voice snaps my eyes open and I look towards his voice. Up.
Half his chest is off the cliff, with one hand stretched down holding me while his other hand held our weights. Mix emotions explodes through me from shock to confusion then to guilt.
"Just hold on. I'll get you up!" He promises but I could only silently watch him struggle and sigh after making a decision I had never thought I'd make.

"Let go, you're going to fall, Koen." I say while loosening my grip from his hand not daring to look at his face because the guilt of putting him in the situation but his hand tightens even more on my wrist.
"Don't give me that shit! I still need my answers!" I slowly look at him and instantly regret it. His neck had expanded, while his face is tensed with fiery eyes and the veins around his arms are on the verge of exploding. The guilt swallows me deeper seeing him trying to save me while all I did was lie and lie and lie.

God, this fool.... .... ....please save him.

Once again, I try to slide my wrist out of his grip as he won't listen to a word I'm saying. I try to trust my weight down, "Stop! Think about your family!" Koen panics when his hold slips from my wrist to my hand.

My other hand reaches up to our connected hands trying to lifts his fingers off when I see his body slowly dipping off the edge. "Let go! You're going to die along." My voice comes out in a small plea when Koen stubbornly doesn't let go of me.
"Fuck." A soft curse escapes his mouth before I see the disaster.

The edge of the cliff Koen was anchored on starts to crumble down, slanting directly down. Koen's body suddenly slips down from impact and all balance are thrown out the window.
Together we drop down the cliff and I watch as Koen still holds my hand, trying to pull my body closer to his.
Then the surface hits us and we are submerged deep down under water.

The cold ocean instantly stings and numb my sore body, opening my eyes I try to figure out where the direction of the surface is but it is pitch black. There's no moonlight to guide my eyesight and no longer a warmth around my hand. I'm in desperate need of air, my lungs feel like it's been squeezed dried like a towel then hang in the sun all day. It burns.

Then my final breath I held so dearly to escapes my mouth and I feel my body weighs deeper into nothing.

This is my end?

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