First Contact

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Elder Alkhovar appeared before the entrance of the Hall of The Elders, located inside a huge cave, at the very heart a huge stone table is placed,  covered entirely with 4 different satin sheets in shades of red, white, blue and green, surrounded by 5 tall stone seats,  Elder Magnus and Elder Andromedos are already at their seated, they looked almost identical to Elder ALkhovar except for the color of their robe, Elder Magnus is wearing Red and Elder Andromedos is wearing a blue one, Elder Alkhovar bowed his head to greet them and took his seat, his eyes lingering a bit at the vacant chairs that once belonged to Elder Eldora and Elder Ramascus, he then took a deep breath and began speaking "I was astounded that the new Hunters have the same bloodline as the last fallen ones, Is this part of the observation that you wanted to share with us? "

"No, I am astonished as well,I have never foreseen such a possibility, What I have observed is the movement of the birthrights itself , from the moment that the first hunters fell, they should have returned here, thus allowing us to move and faced Eldora, but they have selected new ones forcing us to retreat and hold back. " Elder Magnus said with a sigh.

"They are also able to do things that the previous hunters are not able to do, they are able to remember things that they should have forgotten, their gifts are much stronger for instance, the  observers range of sense is much farther and she is able to hear some of the spirits around her, part of the gift that she should not have... " Elder Andromedos added "If they would be much stronger than the last fallen ones who had managed to wound Elder Eldora, there is hope that they will be the ones to end this battle once and for all...

"Aye, I concede, when they have agreed to enter the Journey of the Hunters, The realm felt not only the awakening of the Elements but also their strength, I am certain that Elder Eldora felt it as well..." Elder Magnus said "I am still hoping that Elder Eldora will just give up the fight and be with us again.." he sighed as he clasped his hands together "We are still uncertain on what happened to Elder Ramascus." He worriedly added

"Those two were the closest amongst us, it will be hard to fight against them should the need arises..." Elder Ramascus added

"Part of me still believes that Elder Ramascus is not swayed by Elder Eldora's conviction, remember he was the one who had initially stopped her." Elder Alkhovar said, once again looking at the vacant seats,

"We are still uncertain on what is Elder Ramascus; stand as of the moment, it has been decades since they left the realm but what we are sure of is that Elder Eldora will now make her move and prepare to face the hunters." Elder Magnus remarked as the two Elders silently nodded in agreement "For now, like before, we shall wait for the outcome in this new cycle of hunters."

Elder Eldora opened her violet eyes, the air suddenly felt charged, she knew that the Elements have awakened once again, feeling also the strength of the new hunters, she smirked as she stood up, The mortals are back once more, it took  lesser time for them to return, she would have another set of play things, she stood up and looked around the small cave that she dwells in, just a small cave enclosure, similar to her own dwelling place at their realm, the whole cave was surrounded by vine plant with small star shaped flowers that continuously emit rain like droplets of light,  , she extended her right hand, palm facing upward and the light began gathering at her palm, closing her eyes as she closed her fist, her whole body emitted light blue  aura before completely disappearing, she stood up and head for a stone basin near her bed and checked her reflection, she lifted her hair and looked at the single diagonal scar at her left cheek, she felt her anger boil inside her once again as  this was the first time that she was wounded and at the hands of a mortal,  it infuriated her learning that since her wound was inflicted by a hunter, the wound would only heal but the scar will remain,  a constant reminder that she had been vulnerable, shoving the thought aside,  she went out of her room and went to Elder Ramascus, who was slumped on the floor, his legs stretched out in front of him, his hands pinned on the ground by his side by a moss green light, restraining his movements, pinning him to the walls of the cave, Elder Eldora knelt in front of him " I know that you also felt the awakening of the Elements... " She said as she lifted his chin, Elder Ramascus looked at her weakly "That means that another set of mortals have agreed to take on the journey of the hunters."

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