Lincoln's Birth Story

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Luna walked up the stairs to see the hatch to the attic open. What the heck? Luna said as she went up the ladder and saw her son looking through different boxes, trying to find something. Luna approached him and asked, "What are you looking for, kiddo, my baby book? My teacher gave the class a project about how we were born. Lincoln responded well kiddo your baby book isn't up here Luna said it isn't Lincoln asked Luna, shocking her head no in response them we're is it Lincoln asked follow me buddy Luna said as she left the attic with Lincoln close behind closing the attic as he followed her back into their room Luna walked over to the closet and pulled out Lincoln's baby book here is your baby book Luna said Lincoln took it from her and looked at the cover it had a picture of him as a baby holding a plush rabbit in his arms Lincoln opened the book and began to read his birth story

Lincoln's birth story

Luna was on the couch with Lori and Luan sitting on either side of her this their hands on their pregnant sisters belly why do you have to give up our nefhew? Luan asked Luan we've been over this, and I don't have the money for a baby it hurts me just as much as it hurts you, but it's for the best Luna said alright you two give your sister some space Rita said as her and Lynn SR entered the room come on Luan let's head up to your room Lori said as the two of them left the living room are you ready Luna your due any day now said Lynn SR kinda responded Luna we know it'll be hard sweetie stuff like that never is mom dad Luna said yes honey Rita said I think my water just broke Luna said ok come on Luna to the van let's go Rita guided her daughter out the door and to the van With Lynn SR already in the van and ready to go and they quickly left to get to the hospital as they got onto the freeway the van began to stall no no no no not now not now Lynn SR said as they came to a stop Lynn SR got out of the van and popped the hood and smoke eminently came from the engine Lynn then began to wave his arms hoping someone would stop and someone did they pulled up behind the van and got out of the car in a nurse uniform oh thank goodness you have to help us my daughter is in labor Lynn SR opened the van door to show a pregnant Luna and a consurned Rita  quickly get them into my car said the woman oh thank you Rita Luna come on this nice lady is gonna give us a ride to the hospital Luna and Rita climbed out of the van but Luna could wait any longer guy where not gonna make it to the hospital Luna said the nurse know Luna was right alright then open the back and lay down Rita opened the back of the van Luna layed down on then back and spread her legs ok good I'm gonna need you to push Luna began to push Luna gripped Rita's hand tightly come on Luna push I can see the head Luna continued to push then suddenly they heard the crying of a new born baby congratulations Luna it's a boy the nurse handed the baby to his mother

The End

Wow, Lincoln said, completely shocked, so I was born on the side of the street. Lincoln asked, "That's right, kiddo, and you were and still are the best dang thing that has happened to me Luna said as she hugged her son. I love you, mom. Lincoln said I love you to kiddo, so I'm guessing that this assignment isn't due till Monday Luna said ya, but I figured get it out of the way now, and don't have to worry about it later Lincoln said good thinking kiddo Luna said thank mom Lincoln responded Luna wrapped an arm around him and kissed his cheek Lincoln cuddled into his mother's arms Luna smiled and kissed his forehead hey mom Lincoln said yes buddy Luna responded do you have anymore pictures from when I was a baby Lincoln asked of course I do kiddo here let me see if I can find it Luna said as she got up and went to search their closet oh found one Luna said as she sat on their bed Lincoln sat next to her but Luna looked to him what is it mom no Luna said what do you mean no Lincoln asked I mean no as in your not gonna sit next to me but Luna was cut off mid sentence by Lincoln what why Lincoln asked confused because I want you to sit on my lap buddy Luna said as she pulled him into her lap Luna started going through the photo's when she saw one that caught her interest oh here is after you walked over to me for the first time Luna said pointing to a photo with Luna hugging a baby Lincoln cute right buddy Luna said ya Lincoln responded as Luna began looking through it again oh and here is your first birthday party Luna said pointing to another photo with baby Lincoln in a high chair with a cupcake that had a single candle on it Lincoln smiled then Luna continued flipping through the photos  for a few hours

A few hours later

Luna closed the photo album and noticed it was dark out and her son asleep in her lap. Luna smiled and kissed his cheek before she lay him down and tucked him into bed. I love you, baby, always Luna said as she sat on the bed running her hand through his hair

End of chapter 8

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