03 - rainy day 💗(🍋)

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ship: shoto todoroki + eijiro kirishima.

It's a rainy day on a beautiful Sunday in April. Todoroki and Kirishima are sitting at the wooden table opposite one another in a small cabin where they were staying that weekend with Kirishima's parents. Both of them are staring outside the window distracted by the pattering on the glass from the rain. Somehow, it's raining almost the same as the night that they had their first kiss. "Kirishima." the red and white haired boy says to get Kirishima's attention. Kirishima turned his head to look at him with a questioning look. Todoroki smiles slightly back at him and his glistening eyes look at Kirishima'. He raises his eyebrows and stands up, immediately grabbing Todoroki's hand.

They run across a meadow toward the beach and once there, they both have to catch their breath. Kirishima' hands are leaning into his knees and he is bent over to breathe. Todoroki stands with his hands at either side of him and looking at his boyfriend, "Didn't think you could run that fast."

Kirishima looks up and says "You should know, Mr Icy." Todoroki chuckled at that comment and put his hand through Kirishima's hair which was already soaked either from sweat, the sea or both, Who knows? "Come on."

Kirishima takes off his coat and jokingly throws it in front of Todoroki. Todoroki then stands up straight and looks at Kirishima dumbfounded, then at the coat on the ground. A little shy smile appears on his face and Todoroki pulls his jumper over his head and holds it in his hands for a little while, looking at Kirishima. Kirishima quickly does the same thing as Todoroki pulls himself closer to him by his grabbing Kirishima's waist for grip. Now, Todoroki is so close to him that he can feel his breath on his neck. Kirishima makes him lift up his head and they look each other in eyes 'lustfully'.

It's still raining somehow even harder with every kiss they share, their tongues fighting for dominance and Todoroki winning every time. The wind is blowing through the trees even more aggressively than before and the seawater is splashing in the background. A ray of light coming from the moon glistens onto Kirishima's face and into his eye which makes him break away from their 'make out session'. "You're beautiful." Todoroki says softly and smiles. Kirishima laughs, rises up on his tippy toes and stands still for Todoroki. After a small smile from Todoroki, he starts kissing Kirishima again and grabs him by the neck. Kirishima, in turn, grabs Todoroki's hips. Todoroki moves his hands from his neck and moves them to Kirishima's waist which gradually move underneath his shirt feeling his cold skin. Kirishima starts giggling softly and shyly, it tickles. Kirishima moves his hands up into the air and Todoroki takes his shirt off for him. They start kissing again straight away, they take off their pants and keep kissing whilst doing it. 

Nobody can see them, even though they are in the middle of the beach with their ankles in the seawater and they don't really care.

Todoroki grabs Kirishima firmly by his arms and walks slowly whilst kissing him throughout the sea. Kirishima doesn't have that much control over it but he doesn't mind, he likes when Todoroki is like this. Suddenly, Kirishima leans his whole body on Todoroki, his arms becoming crossed behind Todoroki's head. Todoroki ends up losing his balance and they both fall together into the water. They both stand back up and Todoroki wipes his wet hair off of his face and shakes his head, as Kirishima rubs his eyes.

"Great Ei." Todoroki says with sarcasm laying his voice, "Now we're all wet."

Kirishima laughs at him and winks at him, "I know right." He then swims that little bit of distance towards Todoroki. He stands in front of him and spouts his lips like a child. Todoroki smiles at him, grabs Kirishima's face and kisses him. 

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