
14 1 3

Collecting the griefs and moans from hearts, unsaid words from eyes rose a blanket, scarcely erupting. Erupting into a daunting blend of night arising and the day falling. The words kept as mere promises, unkept, positioned half by half consuming the daunting blanket as a grace. With a duty done overnight, the hearts poured a little now hauling into a spark larger and brighter that glimmered tearing the sky that held into a world concealed forever. Grief resonating into power threw the ray roaring past every obstruction that brought. With water evaporating from humanely world, it glides into mist and fog blocking every vision off eyes. When amidst the scowl, screws a beauty so surreal to lives. Pushing past the land the shine ran, hailing joy to the grass growing aid by aid. Throwing the motion it shared the gold filling grass as gems. Lurching finely, danced around it the leaves, loving the burnt bark stopped as an arm to lean. Already crumpled, already crushed the gone greenery delighted at an arrival when chirped the portrait of selflessness, the cushions of love and tenderness, the flowers. But the smoke reaching here, costed them giving up the different wears they dress into. Leaving some dull but ravishing creations that had ceased care and resoluted over a desire to grow despite the end given! Crawling towards the gulp of noise, the light scooted, greeting the collector...honouring every effort made as one, with failures accepted and success honoured, throwing into a gush of force of crystal clear water. The light created now was vibrant tearing a cross through the collection of spillage...spoiling the droplets which ceased onto the flowers losing every promoptous joy it held. Now feeling a ray through the strands of forced them into a failure, an acceptance of utmost need. This was the tiny world that existed above the crescent and the mournful storyteller's....the glorious haunt of demon's! The mountains restrained their pride..bowing down at the carrier, thrown into a pit full of thrashes and stones spitted at. Inside the daunting blaze grew stones of various sizes carved into tales of their respective needs. The stones thrashed screw resolute, the crushed spit hate...and the utterly broken spoke only torture. The torture which fancied the spark traced a life by magic and enchants recited nonchalant.
"Oh the great giver and reciever of life, swallow this ray out with breaths taken and bewish this soul a life, sadder as led...I pray grant it one!".

"Holy mother proceeding breaths, I speak through heart, encite these steps walked and allow the land above you to welcome the sinful steps of a cruel another!".

The light dissipated into the hag hung, when the chains clustered shrank signalling the admission of life over. And the enchants followed one after another with words ringing out of a kept bearer promising the conflicts inner to wish alternate of living.

"The keeper and feeler of winds, I order grant this sinner turmoils, thunder him with conflicts to kill every desire inside. Wish him a life sadder than the winds you blow. Oh great winds, I say bring this man, a taurma of living!".

"To the beauty holding the sky, I summon, beautiful Diana, cast this man with all your scars. Build in him turmoils so hard that keeps him in the darkness forever. Bewish him loneliness and arouse the beast in him. Leash him with all the pain. This is all I command!".

The shimmering moon that rose in pride ever, at the deed of saviour of lives felt ashamed and humiliated. Nevertheless, it pulled apart the words conciled as secrets betrayed into a deep hue of red reaching the realm. Peace felt disrupted at the sudden roar of nature. The tranquil waves of water which had presented another emblem of adorement, moon to it's lover, growled at the disturbance. Urging from corners, tearing inbetween, interwining in middle could only welcome the sin that had bedded the realm over. Nevertheless, flowing with the prayers made, the water created the most enduring blend of blue. Invented into the dearest times of trouble, the colour served nothing but peace....that would burn hearts with a crave to grow hypnotized of. Pushing past the surface, the alluring colour met its most prized possession. A face to settle into! The coming back of humanly sentiments did nothing but allure greedy eyes to keep him upto themselves. The trees tried to shield him with strong winds, to not let any disrupt come forth..the oceanic bodies felt jubilant at the surreal blend, deeper than the creater themselves. The clusters that had imprisoned soon gained response and did fluttered the giant body with an image clear of surrender of life into the possession prayed for. The naked eyes felt blissed to witness the course of blood passing swiftly from his legs, pushing life into, aiding the numbness made habitual of away. From there did they ran into thrashed pouches of air, turning clear with intake of air. The practice growing them clearer and skilled. Running through it, did it collapsed into the almost shrank life giver. Reading a miracle, did it grew impatient recieving no response in return when out of blue did it drummed. The palpitations soon brought in rush of blood brushing the pale vessels red. Life rejoiced back into his body with chest rising and falling with the lessons of inhaling and exhaling. But this feeling sickened him more, where couldn't he distinguish if was he numb still or breathing dead? The dryness of his throat indicated thirst but it wasn't the crystals building his orbs that could quench his desire. It indeed turned his body even rigid, the urge to savour drop by drop. Passing into his throat and ending the dreadful desire. He wanted the long wished liquid to dampen his lips and await till they grow familiar of, dreading him to esctasy. His eyelids felt heavier this while forcing a closure with burns following entire body. Pain trickled his mouth and he felt uptake of something sharp and sharper tearing through gums. Within a blink was his body panting franticly returning back from the euphoria visited. His frame relaxed undoubtedly with new course of energy surging inside.  The tearing fangs for now were almost invisible to look for with the sickingly devouring taste of blood on his mouth. The metallic taste sprung his mouth beaming him to real heights of life. Was it only minutes after life, had he gone for his first hunt? Blood, every vampyres weakness could not be neglected. Than how could his? His thirst knew no bounds, no regrets to rectify. This was what nature had reincarnated,
the teller of history .
A man without heart but a man born in buds of love. A love to fancy folks but never entertain stories...was it today, nature had witnessed the reincarnation of
The great Anderson Leister!

So here again, am I back with another story. But am confused abit if the language has gone aboard. Like the words hold alot of hidden meanings. But how about the chapter. I hope you like it nonetheless it had nothing to grow fond of. Will be waiting for your opinions. Thank you...!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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