Chapter 6: The Truth

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Epic and ink would standing in an office room. They would be surrounded by robots.

Epic: are the robots really necessary...?

Ozpin: sorry about that...

Sans: *sigh* iron wood make them leave or I'll do it...

Ironwood: I don't need to-

Ozpin: just do it... if sans trust these two then I trust his judgement.

Ironwood: tch... fine.

The robots would then be told to leave the room and they begin to leave..

Ozpin: thank you. Now. Mind explain who you two are?

Ink: well... my name is ink... ink sans and this here is epic... epic sans...

Ozpin: sans?

Ink: ya... we're basically... the same person as your sans...

Sans: oh! The multiverse!

Ink: yep!

Sans: that's cool. That means I have more people to make puns with!

Epic: you got that one right!

Ozpin: before you get to out of hand... I would like to ask... why you here in our universe?

Ink: oh! Well... we...

Epic: just picked one at random...

Sans: at random?

Epic: we got bored and decided to pick a AU at random.

Sans: oh... that's something I would probably do...

Epic: ya... anyways! Any more questions? I kinda want to meet the eri of this AU.

Sans: oh you'll love her. I'm sure she's just as sweet in yours.

Epic/ink: yep!

Ozpin: no... that's all for now. You're free to go.

The sans: okay!

They would then leave the room and go wander around the city. But epic would then hold onto his eye.

Sans: hmm? You good?

Epic: y-ya... I'm okay... just...

Ink: your connection with... (epic) gaster?

Sans: hmm? gaster?

Ink: oh right! His gaster... so... epic gaster.

Sans: oh! Okay... but what connection?

Ink: it's-

Epic: I can explain it...

Ink: all right...

Epic:... so... my eye... isn't mine...

Sans: huh?

Epic:... it's my gaster's eye... and it gives me the abilities like a sans pretty much... and allows me to come back from the dead...

Sans: that's an interesting power... but I feel there a catch...

Epic: there is... he's able to take it back anytime he wants... and... I'm scared to be honest... because I know he'll just kill me and kill everyone I care about the moment he gets his eye back...

Sans: well! Then we can't let him take it!

Epic: huh?

Ink: he's right. We're not going to let him get it. We're here for you! *smiles*

Epic: *smiles* thanks!

Sans: why don't we head to my pops and see if he can come up with something to help us with this?

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