Chapter 2

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 I woke up to the aroma of coffee filling my nostrils

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 I woke up to the aroma of coffee filling my nostrils. I stretched my limbs and hopped off the bed into my comfy house slippers. I made my way downstairs, following the scent of sizzling bacon. "Good morning, sunshine." My mother greeted, standing over the stovetop preparing breakfast, while my dad sat at the kitchen table with his nose buried in the newspaper. He had already finished reading the news, economics, and business sections and laid them aside for me, while he was working through the sports section. It was a routine I loved and would miss.

I spent the rest of the day packing. When I finished, I got ready for tonight, while my dad load everything into my car. "That was the last of it" my dad said when he closed the trunk of my car. I could see the tears forming in his eyes, which made my heart sting. I embraced my dad in a hug, and assured him, I would be back soon to visit.

My mom came out with a little care package with snacks for my drive and squeezed me tightly. I hopped into my car and rolled down my window waving goodbye to my parents. As I was pulling out of our driveway, I felt a small tear escaped my eye and run down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and turned on some music to lift my mood.

As I pulled through the gates of the Valentino residence, I was in awe of the grand estate, with its manicured gardens and imposing mansion. Leo's parents have a whopping mansion back home in upstate New York, but this was another level.

I felt like an outsider as I pulled in. My old car stuck out like a sore thumb between all the luxury vehicles from the other guests. I decided to bury my feeling of estrangement and strode toward the entrance in confidence.

I was wearing a red strapless cocktail dress that ended just shy of my knees, which I paired with a set of red heeled sandals, which made my legs even longer. My naturally wavy light blonde hair down hung loosely down to my mid back. I was blessed to not need makeup, but I still decided to add some mascara and red lipstick, to bring out my blue eyes, and accentuate my look.

As I reached the entrance, I was welcomed by a doorman, who escorted me inside. I was in awe, standing in a luxurious foyer, with marble floors and walls, and an imperial staircase. I could hear classical music playing in a nearby room, and light chatter, letting me know where to go. Just as I started making my way, I heard footsteps make their way down the marble stairs.

My head shot up in the direction, and I felt like a dear caught in headlights. A man, maybe in his late twenties, with an athletic built, wearing a tux, made his way down. I had never seen a man before that captured that kind of an attraction. I quickly let out a breath, I did not know I was holding and closed my gaping mouth. His presence took up the whole room. He radiated a power and dominance; I had never felt before. When his deep, blue eyes, found mine I felt my heartbeat increase and my face flush.

I was taken aback, when I heard his deep, stern, voice that ran chills down my spine, "Who are you?". His eyes never left mine as he kept making his way down the stairs. I felt dumbfounded, almost forgetting my own name. I panicked for a second, thinking I was at the wrong address, but I quickly regained my confidence and voiced, "Evelyn" I cleared my throat, "Evelyn Carter."

As the stranger kept making his way toward me, a part of me yearned for him to come closer, curious to get to know this man, but another part of me felt fearful, wanting to run. I slowly felt myself back up, with each step he was taking toward me, until I hit a wall and could not back away any further. The stranger had one hand tucked away in his slacks, while he placed his other hand right next to my head squaring me in.

I looked up into his deep blue eyes and could feel my heart palpitations all the way in my throat. Both fear and lust coursing through my body, as he was towering over me. "Evelyn...", the man tested my name, "you shouldn't have come here". His expression was grim, his eyes darkening. I scrunched my forehead, but before I could question him, he retracted his broad arm and stepped back. He took one last glance at me before turning and walking away, leaving me speechless.

Before I could process what had just happened, the front door opened, revealing more guests making their way in. I took that as my cue and followed them to the backyard, where the the rest of the guests were gathered. As I walked through the tall sliding doors, and stepped on the wooden sun deck, my breath was taken away by the beautiful oceanfront view behind the long infinity pool. There were a few white cabanas running along the pool and a wood burning fireplace in the center. Servers making their rounds with champagne and small platters of finger food, while the barbeque was sizzling away. I finally spotted and called out to him, "Leo, finally. For a minute I thought I was at the wrong address", I exclaimed relieved.

Leo whined, "I was wondering where you were. I am glad you are finally here. I hate these gatherings."

I rolled my eyes at his ungratefulness, but looking around, I understood what he meant. A group of older gentlemen were sitting in a gazebo, surrounded in clouds of smoke from their cigars, drinking whiskey and talking business. A group of elegant women, all well dressed, and gussied up, sat on an outer sectional, flashing their expensive jewelry, and showing off their beauty. "Stop complaining. Look around, your home is breathtaking. I can't believe you have never mentioned it before."

Leo shrugged. I saw his mom walking over to us. "Evelyn, it is good to see you. You look lovely." She complimented.

"Thank you, Mrs. Valentino. What a delightful celebration." Leo's mom seemed pleased. She looked over to Leo, her eyes flashing concern, which she quickly masked with a fake smile, "Leonardo, your father is asking for you", she pointed toward the group of men puffing on their cigars. Leo acknowledged is mother, mouthing a quick 'be right back' to me, and made his way over to his awaiting father.
I sighed, hoping it would not take long. Leo's mom turned to me and ushered me to come along with her and the other ladies. I was surprised that I ended up enjoying myself with them, they made me feel welcome and we shared many pleasantries.

Leo ended up taking longer than expected. He did not return until everyone gathered around the pool with a glass of champagne, awaiting his father's toast. Mr. Valentino held up his glass and cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. Everyone immediately responded, his powerful presence similar to that of the stranger. "Please join me and raise a glass to my youngest son, Leonardo Valentino. Today marks the day he is made man..." as I was holding up my glass, I felt perplexed by his father's toast. My eyes scanned around the area, trying to catch someone else's eyes, sharing the same feeling, but everyone had their eyes peeled on Mr. Valentino.

I glanced over to Leo, who looked pale, like he had seen a ghost. As my eyes wondered back to his father, I caught a pair of blue eyes staring at me intensively. It was the man from earlier. Unlike everyone else, he looked unphased, leaning against a cabana, holding a glass of what looked like bourbon down by his side, his hair looked messy, and his tie was undone. I quickly looked away, but I could still feel his gaze boring into me.

I was caught off guard, not realizing Leo's father had ended his toast, when the guests chimed together and raised their glasses, "To Leonardo Valentino. "I quickly joined in and raised my glass with everyone. Even though, I was not of legal drinking age, nobody at this function seemed to be bothered by it.

I noticed my stranger make his way over to me. I started to get nervous, but I stood my ground, even though my body screamed to run. I quickly decided to calm my nerves by downing the entire glass of champagne I held. 

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