Chapter 3

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"I thought I told you; you shouldn't have come here. Little girls like you, don't belong here", he stated matter of fact. His words cut deep.

I started to feel the buzz from my glass of champagne and mustered up the courage to not let this man run all over me. "Excuse me, sir, but you have no right to tell me where I belong, or not. Secondly...", I took a step forward, and poked him in the chest with my index finger, "I am not a little girl."

Before I even knew what was happening, he forced my hand off his chest, and snatched my tiny wrist into his firm hold. "Watch it, princess." He hissed, annoyed at me, "you don't want to bark up the wrong tree" and with that he released the firm hold on my wrist and dropped my hand. I could feel the burning sensation from where had just gripped my hand.

I felt the fear build up inside me, but I decided to against to ignore it, "You watch it! What is wrong with you?" I huffed, my heart beating faster than ever, the alcohol coursing through my body.

A loud growl escaped from him as his hands turned into fists. He closed his eyes momentarily, while he swallowed hard, which caused his Adam's apple to bob up and down. He firmly grabbed the nape of my neck causing a burning sensation. He leaned so close into me, that his lips almost touched my ear. I could feel feeling his breath on my skin making me weak in my knees. "I am warning you" he breathed down my neck, causing goosebumps to erupt throughout my body. His hold on me tightened even more, almost causing me to squeal, "next time you talk back, there will be consequences."

He took a step back, not phased the slightest bit. I was fuming with anger. I wanted to say so much more, but I refrained, not wanting to cause a scene. I held my head up high and walked off leaving him this time.

I rushed over to Leo, his usual smile wiped off his face. "Everything alright?" I asked him, concerned.

"Evelyn.." he breathed, glad to see me. He let go of a breath he must have been holding for a while. He did not say anything and just wrapped his arms around me. He buried his face in my neck. I returned his hugged, confused at his behavior. "Talk to me, Leo" I whispered.

"I wish I could." He sighed.

"Was it something your dad said?" I questioned.

"Yes, but please, don't ask any more questions. You can't be involved." I abided his request and did not ask any more questions, for now.

The evening slowly came to an end. Leo was sending off his last few guests, while I was lounging on one of the outdoor armchairs soaking up the beautiful view. I saw Mrs. Valentino make her way over to me, "Would you like a cup of tea, sweetie?"

"That would be lovely, thank you." I smiled getting up, "let me give you a hand." I offered. She smiled accepting my offer, as we made our way to the kitchen.

"You know, Evelyn, Leo is absolutely smitten with you." She started, while turning on the kettle. She continued, "You make him happy and that is what matters the most to me. You both make a great team, and he will need someone like you by his side."

I felt flattered by her remark and thought it was sweet that she valued our friendship. But she did not stop there and continued, "I think you are a great fit to this family. You are the perfect girl; I can feel it." I suddenly felt confused as to what she was trying to imply. Was she referring to Leo and I as an 'item' and giving me her approval?

I was about to reply when I was interrupted by the deep voice from the now familiar stranger. I looked over, confused at what he was still doing here. He grabbed an apple from the kitchen island, "she does not belong here, mother", he simply stated biting into his apple.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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