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༄☙⁂ᵃᵘᵗʰᵒʳ - not proof read.

"so... suspicious murder in a small town... that must
be exciting for an agent like yourself?" amara said nervously to the GBI agent sat next to her in the
very vacant bar.

"i'm-i'm sorry ma'am what did you say?" the agent replied deep in thought of all the different things going on in his life - past & present. he turned his whole body slowly, looking at the woman before him in a way that seemed to make the air in the room thick with annoyance but also desire.

"i asked you about the case you're working on...
sorry to bother you I'm just a bit of a nosy person especially when it comes to things like this." she awkwardly smiled as the man looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"i'm a forensic anthropologist." she replied to his silent question.

"oh well..erm..that's seems like a cool job. i mean i could never spend hours looking and dissecting dead people but you gets the job done!"
of all the things he could say. will got so flustered that such a woman like her was speaking to him that he went ahead and said the first thing that came to mind.

" sure now how to keep a conversation going." will looked at her face with a cringe & a desperate plea for help. thinking of how to better the situation, amara bit her lip staring deeply into his eyes not realising the effect she was having on the man in front of her. "you know what? forget about my job it's not as important as your is. i mean you catch killers!"

wondering on how she knew this as he and
faith had just reach the small town this morning,
his face became puzzled once more. "how did you
know...i guess word really does spreads quickly
in small towns."

mara looked at the man before her, smiling softly
at him with a subtle laugh approaching. "i've only been in this town for 2 months or so and i can confirm that your previous statement is very correct. i don't think a day goes by were people's business ain't all up in everyone else's

a small silence fell upon the gbi agent and the forensic anthropologist. looking at once other with
some many thoughts running wildly through their heads on what they should say next & what they should do. will began looking at her as if she was the only person in the room which was slowly getting
quieter as the night progressed.

"you looking at me like that is making me think you want to kiss me". mara didn't know if was the
small drink she had or if she was just feeling a sudden random burst of confidence but she didn't care. she wanted him and he wanted her.

"i would indeed very much like to kiss if that's
alright with you ma'am?" the silence and the
lack of movement sort of frightened the man into
thinking he made a mistake but his thoughts were
rendered wrong when the young woman began to
lean forward.

as their soft lips touched one another it was like
a burst of fireworks bursted inside themselves.
will gently placed his hands on her waist as amara
wrapped her arms around his neck, never breaking
from the kiss. their hearts beating so fast, heating up from the continuous deep and intense kiss.

as the kiss began to get even more heated, a small
moan left the doctor's mouth, enticing the agent
so much so that he pulled away with a dazed look
on his face. "we should probably go back to mine.
i don't think your partner would like if we
continued on our..discoveries of each other."

"lead the way by all mean, my love."

standing up eagerly, amara took his arm and walked
all the way to the elevator. upon entering it with
no one in sight, the agent pressed the doctor
to the wall hastily and began kissing her so
profoundly that she began to see small stars in her
vision. he then went down her neck and across
her free shoulder bones placing gentle kissed
that would leave any girl hooked.

as the door opened, they looked at each as if
to confirm that this was still something that both
wanted. it was. and they went into her room
doing things that would make even the most
hard heart-test blush from it.

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