Why They're In The House They're In(NOT A CHAPTER)

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So, I was bored, a lot of people disagree what houses the demigods would be in all throughout these crossover fics, and I just rlly felt like writing this. So here it is, the thing no one asked for: why I put the demigods in the houses I did.

Percy- so, a bunch of people think Percy should be in Hufflepuff, but I think he's a Gryffindor. He's obviously very loyal, like a hufflepuff, but he's also brave, courageous, reckless, and chivalrous. Which are, like, all of the traits for gryffindor. Personally, I think it could go either way, but I decided to go with Gryffindor.

Annabeth- Annabeth often gets put into Ravenclaw for her brains or Gryffindor for her bravery. While she could do good in both these houses, I think she's best as a Slytherin. For one, her fatal flaw is literally pride, which is pretty related to ambition, and we all know she's ambitious. Cunning? She convinced Arachne to weave her own trap. Resourcefulness? Literally the entirety of MoA. Determination? I don't even need to put an example. If you need more reason, firstly, why, second, drama b/c Percy's in Gryffindor. And I just wanted to be in the same house as her, as a slytherin myself.

Leo- I've seen Leo in Ravenclaw. I've seen him in Gryffindor. Once, I saw him in Hufflepuff. But I think he's a slytherin. Mainly because of his ambition, wanting to rebuild Festus and have him give the physician's cure. Between TLH and SoN, his determination to build the Argo II in time and perfectly. The fact that he convinced a bunch of demigods that he wasn't traumatized by covering it with humor is pretty dam cunning. Say what you will, but I think Valdez is a slytherin.

Piper- I've really only seen her in gryffindor and slytherin, but she def fits slytherin more. She's obviously very cunning, and she's ambitious, wanting to save all her friends. I don't rlly have a more extensive explanation, it's just right, yk?

Nico- lots say he's a slytherin, but with the shit he's been through and him being so very reckless with his life? That's some gryffindor behavior.

Will- he's a hufflepuff. Caring? Check. Fair? Check. Loyal? He went to fucking Tartarus for Nico. Check.

Hazel- I'd like to think she's one of those badass hufflepuffs who can kill you, but wont. Yk, the ones that curse like Arion, but are super sweet? The ones that are cinnamon rolls that can kill you? Yea, that's Hazel.

Sooo, to the 2 people who read this, you can discuss and I'll try to reply to any comments. Thanks 4 reading if you did!

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