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[ Y/n is heavily based off of Qiqi ]

" An apprentice and herb gatherer at !?#*!&$^%*. "Blessed" by the heavenly restrictions with a body that cannot die, this petite zombie cannot do anything without first giving herself orders to do it.
Qiqi's memory is like a sieve. Out of necessity, she always carries around a notebook in which she writes anything important that she is sure to forget later.
But on her worst days, she even forgets to look at her notebook... "

"Although her memory seems to have gotten better in the future"

~° | °~

Name: Y/n L/n

Species: Cursed Spirit(?)

Physical Age: 8(Past) Around 10(Present)

Mental Age: 100+

An apprentice and herb gatherer at !?#*!&$^%*. An undead with a pale version of a s/c complexion, she seldom has much in the way of words or emotion.

Likes: Geto(Father-Figure), Coconut milk, herbs/medicine, Finches, and (Your Likes)

Dislikes: Gojo Satoru, High tempatures, humidity, and (Your Dislikes)

Cursed Technique(s):
Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost - Preserver of Fortune

Herald of Frost - Using the Icevein Talisman, Y/n brings forth the Herald of Frost, dealing cursed energy to surrounding opponents and slowing them down

When Ytn attacks targets, it heals nearby teammates.
Periodically regenerates Y/n's health
Follows Y/n around or a chosen person by Y/n, dealing damage to opponents in their path and also healing them in the process

Preserver of Fortune - Y/n releases the cursed energy sealed within her body, marking nearby opponents with a Fortune-Preserving Talisman that deals damage over time slowly.

Fortune-Preserving Talisman
When opponents affected by this Talisman get injured, it heals Y/n's health and any injuries that may have happened.

Extra Talents/Effects:

Life Prolonging Methods - When someone under the effects of Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost triggers an Elemental Reaction, their Incoming Healing Bonus is increased by 20%

A Glimpse Into Arcanum - When Y/n hits opponents with her sword, she has a 50% chance to apply a Fortune-Preserving Talisman to them for 6 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds. It does the same things as "Preserver of Fortune"

Former Life Memories - Y/n is able to navigate to anywhere without a map and knows where many herbs/plants are hidden or kept

Pristina Nola (Also known as Rise of Resurrection) - If Y/n wishes, when she uses Fortune-Preserving Talisman, it can fully heal the targeted person not matter what injuries they have and even if they are fully dead

Hobbies: Stretching

Due to Y/n being a "zombie" she tends to get stiff limbs causing her to not be able to move as much, she does stretches to avoid this from happening

Y/n died while trying to retrieve some herbs for her job on the side of a mountain, she was then revived by negative energy. She continued working for !?#*!&$^%* until she was taken by Jujutsu High and put under the care of Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru under the command of the higher-ups and Masamichi Yaga

Words: 513

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