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New York, New York

Wanda was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone. After their fateful night bowling and hearing Monica's many statements about Tumblr, Wanda decided to download the app and see what it was about. She'd found it to be a little strange but entertaining for the most part as long as she stayed away from tags involving characters from Supernatural.

"Sup dude," Reagan says as she sits down on top of Wanda.

"Dude," Wanda says, the word foreign on her tongue and it comes out a little funny with her accent as she leans over to look up at Reagan, "There's a whole couch."

"I know," Reagan states, "But you're a better cushion than all of them." 

"I'm so honored," Wanda deadpans.

"You should be," Reagan says with a smile. She looks down at Wanda's phone and gasps loudly, "Wanda, please tell me you're not on Tumblr."

"I'm not!" Wanda quickly exclaims as she turns off her phone.

"Oh my god, you are!" Reagan says as she tries to grab Wanda's phone from her, forcing Wanda back against the couch as she moves on top of her. Wanda moves quickly as she sends her phone flying across the room, almost hitting Natasha in the face as she enters the room.

"What the hell," Natasha says as she dodges the phone and watches as it hits the wall. She looks over at Reagan and Wanda who are in a very compromising position on the couch. She stares at them and shakes her head before heading into the kitchen, "I don't want to know."

"What was that?" Kennedy asks as she steps into the living room. She looks at Reagan and Wanda and quirks a brow, "Um is there something we should know?"

"What?" Reagan asks. She looks down at Wanda who is looking up at her and Reagan takes in their position realizing how this certainly was not a position she would want to be caught in by anyone.

She quickly moves off of Wanda and sits on the opposite end of the couch.

"So, um Reagan, are you seeing anyone?" Kennedy asks innocently as she heads into the kitchen where Natasha is making a sandwich.

Reagan looks at her sister, brows furrowed at the question, "Kind of?"

"Kind of?" Kennedy asks, her eyes lighting up, "Oh my gosh! Is it Kiara?"

"Who else would it be," Natasha mutters. Wanda chuckles at the comment. Kennedy glares at her fiancé before looking at her sister.

"I mean it is Kiara," Reagan speaks, "And Natasha, don't act like I don't have game. I've bagged more people than you."

"I doubt it," Natasha responds.

"Do you?" Reagan asks with a smile, "Kennedy you hear that? Natasha is a player."

"Was a player," Natasha states.

"Ah-ha!" Reagan exclaims, "She's not denying it!"

Kennedy shrugs, "I don't care."

"You don't care," Reagan says confused, "Why?"

"Cause if they knew the real Natasha, they wouldn't have been into her," Kennedy states. Natasha looks up from her sandwich and at Kennedy.

"Seriously," Natasha states.

"In fact," Kennedy says, "I know Natasha's seduction routine."

Wanda sits up straighter on the couch, "I'd like to see this."

Kennedy clears her throat, "I'm Natasha and I'm all dark and mysterious. Aren't you intrigued by my dark and mysterious nature and green eyes?"

Natasha rolls her eyes, "I do not sound like that!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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