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New York, New York

"Fuck Parent's Weekend!" Reagan screamed at the top of her lungs as she lay on a blanket in the quad of her college campus. She received a couple of surprised and judgmental glances. Reagan rolled her eyes at the look. There was one particular woman with a Karen cut that continued to stare at her, shaking her head.

"What? You've never seen a young Filipina woman attend college before?" Reagan shouts at the woman. The lady's eyes widen as she quickly averts her gaze and begins walking faster. Reagan looks away satisfied with herself as she looks at her phone.

"You're Filipina?" Monica asks mockingly as she looks at her roommate.

"It depends on the day," Reagan says, "Sometimes I cosplay as a Targaryen and then a Hobbit and if I'm feeling really freaky, I'm a Jedi."

"Really?" Monica asks, "And here I thought you were a sparkly vampire."

"Only on every third Tuesday of each month," Reagan responds, "But seriously, I'm tired of all these old people looking at us weirdly."

"Well, maybe it's because you yell things like 'fuck parent's weekend?' Just a thought," Monica supplies.

"I just don't get why someone would want to spend an entire weekend with their parents. Didn't we go to college to get away from those people?" Reagan mutters as she swipes through her Instagram feed, looking at the pictures of all her high school classmates.

"We went to college to get a degree," Monica responds, "Did you look at those blueprints I emailed you?"

"Yeah, it's an interesting concept, nanotechnology," Reagan says, still scrolling through her phone, "Can you code?"

"Fuck no. I tried Python for like a week and I nearly punched a hole through my computer," Monica shares.

"That's fine. So, we can reserve a space in the lab and start the build and I'll write a code for it and we'll see what we can do," Reagan responds as she continues swiping before stumbling on a picture of her old high school best friend and the guy that she went to prom with hard launching their relationship, "Oh my god!"

"What?" Monica asks.

"That bitch!" Reagan says as she shoves her phone in Monica's face, "That is Marcus and that is Caro. Former boyfriend and best friend."

"Oh shit," Monica says as she looks at the picture, "Oh ew they're at Miami University."

"Yeah, she thought it was the University of Miami when she was applying," Reagan mutters as she taps on Caro's profile and unfollows her, "Now she's rotting away in Oxford, Ohio."

"Everything about that college feels like a scam," Monica says. Reagan laughs as she presses the home button on her iPhone before tossing it aside. She takes the sunglasses off the top of her head and puts them on as she closes her eyes, enjoying the sun's rays.

"I'm not going to let it bother me," Reagan says.

"Fuck Parent's Weekend," Monica says, "Let's get fucked up this weekend."

"What were you thinking?" Reagan asks.

Monica reaches over and snatches Reagan's sunglasses off of her face as she puts them on, "Well Kiara was thinking we go big or go home."

Reagan tenses slightly at the mention of Kiara. She was a fellow freshman and she lived in the same dorm as Monica and Reagan. Sometimes they would all walk together to the dining hall. Reagan tried to limit her contact with Kiara. Something about the girl made her brain short-circuit and Reagan didn't like that.

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