Chapter 3:

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Hello everyone
Let's continue.......

Freshers day was over and the classes for 1st year B.E are started. Seher and her friends attended the classes. They made some new friends and Rumi got a boyfriend and his name is Armaan, he treats Seher like his sister. And Seher also made a male friend Zaid.

Adil's pov:-

He was sitting in his room and thinking about that girl.

Adil: (to himself) she was looking gorgeous in that lehenga. Wait, what ....why am I thinking about her again. No man, what's happening to me. No I don't want to think about her. Get up Adil, let's go and have some fresh air. Where is Faiz.

Adil: Faiz I'm going out, come fast.
Faiz: Where, wait I'm coming
They both left in AK's car.

Seher's pov:-

The day went smoothly and I'm happy for Rumi and Armaan.
I got a new friend Zaid.

Zainab: So, one got a boyfriend and another one got a male friend and here I'm struggling to talk with my own classmates.

Rumi: Just change the class and come to our class na. We 3 will be together in the same class

Seher: Yes, go and talk to HOD and change your class

Zainab: No, we are first years and how can I go and tell them to change my class after attending only one class.

Seher: Yes, you are right. But you can tell them that your roommates are in another class. So, you also want to go to that class.

Rumi: Yes, Maybe they agree.

Zainab:No, I don't have the guts to go and tell. I'm not going. I will try to make some friends in this class only.

Seher and Rumi: okay
The semester was going smoothly.

Boys hostel

Sahil: Hello bhaiya
Adil: Hey
Sahil: how are you bhaiya
Adil: I'm fine and U
Sahil: I'm you are in final year.
Adil: yup
Sahil: okay....then can I go.
Adil:wait, do you want to ask something.
Sahil: No bhaiya
Adil: Then, why did you came here.
Sahil:I haven't seen you from somedays. So, I just wanted to ask you how are you.
Adil: Hmm, Can I ask you something
Sahil: Yes bhaiya
Adil: what's the name of that girl
Sahil: Which girl bhaiya
Adil: The girl with whom you were talking, you told me that you are from the same native.
Sahil:ooh ...her. She is Seher.
Adil: Mmm...
Sahil: what happened bhaiya
Adil: nothing, you may leave now
Sahil: okay bhaiya. Good night
Adil: Good night

Sahil left
Adil: Seher, nice name.(He smiled)

Then he opened Instagram and searched for her. But didn't find her.
Then he searched the following list of Sahil and found Seher. And sent her a friend request. She was looking so cute in her profile picture.


Message popped in Seher's phone
Adil_khan_requested to follow you

Seher: Zainab see this ( she showed her the notification)

Zainab:who is this, show me( she grabbed Seher's phone and clicked on the profile picture) This is that senior with broken hand, right.

Zainab: Why did he send you a request and how did he get your account.
Seher: I don't know.
Zainab: Are you going to accept it
Seher: What should I do
Zainab: He is our super senior yaar, I think you should ask your friend first
Seher: Who
Zainab: Zaid
Seher: why

Zainab: because a super senior is sending you a request and it's not a small thing. You don't know him and you have just seen him once.

Seher: okay, I will ask Zaid.

Seher called Zaid

Zaid: Hello
Seher: Hey, when are you returning me my record.
Zaid: ooh ..I just forgot. I will give it to you..umm... tomorrow in the class.
Seher: okay...(Zainab telling her to ask)
Zaid: anything else.
Seher:No, nothing
(Zainab 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Zaid: Okay then....
Seher: Hey, I just got a request from Adil Khan in Instagram. So, who is he
Zaid: hmm...what, Adil Khan sent you a request
Seher: yah, why what happened
Zaid: Nothing, just don't accept it.
Seher: but why
Zaid: I have told you not to accept. Now it's upto you. I'm going out to buy something. I will call you later Bye.

Zainab: what happened
Seher: He told me to not to accept
Zainab:Then, don't accept it
Seher: okay
She didn't accept the request

Adil (to himself): it's been 17 hours that I have send the request, but there is no response from her side. Did she saw the notification or not or is she ignoring me. I think she is ignoring... because...she don't even know me and ... I think...she haven't even seen me properly. Let me delete this request.
He deleted the follow request
Likethis, some more days went
Sahil and Adil became so close to eachother. Adil always used to take Sahil with him whenever he goes out.

Adil: How is your friend
Sahil: which friend bhaiya
Adil: Seher
Sahil: She is fine I think.
Adil:How is she...
(Sahil give him a confusing look)
Adil: I mean her character, her personality
Sahil: She is good, friendly, kind and always smiling.
Adil: Hmm...And
Sahil: And.... tell me what do you want to know about her bhaiya
Adil: Nothing, I'm just simply asking
Sahil: Actually, she is my girlfriend's childhood friend
Adil: you have a girlfriend
Sahil: Yes
Adil: Does she have a boyfriend

Sahil: who...Seher. No, she is not for dating. She has male friends but she don't have a boyfriend. She knows how to keep boys in a friendzone. She is like a plain white paper without any mark on it. She is pure. She haven't dated anyone, no crush, no boyfriend, nothing.

Adil:(A smile came in his face) Mmm...

Sahil: But why are you asking bhaiya

Adil: Nothing, just. You have started to ask a lot of questions these days.

Sahil: sorry Bhai

Adil: hmm


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