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For next update .

And if it's till Sunday and you'll get a surprise update .😎

Till then enjoy your reading ,

I won't disturb again 😁

Adhyay's POV

As I am busy with me meetings since morning and it's already lunch time now .

I came back to my cabin to take some rest and check the presentation of everything is fine or not .

Just as I was checking the preparation my phone  *ping* *ping * vibrates with the notification .

I open my phon and check it's a message from my brother saying that they all are to outskirt penthouse of Chauhan's as
My Rose  want to spend some time there with junior clein.

After reading everything ,I decided to go there and talk to Rose about everything as why is she behaving very differently.

As it's the right time to make her realise about my feelings and know about her . Because my family started searching girls for me .

But I only belong to my Rose ,no one can take my Rose place in my life .

As ,I started going out of my cabin with my car keys .Just then my P.A came and told that ___ Sir, then clients for the meeting are here and wating for you . please let's go sir .

And here ,I realise that I have a meeting with my business associates about the company.

As having no other option,I move towards meeting and just in 45 minutes ,I rap up everything and make myself clear to everyone that, who I am and what their place in front of me .

After clearing my schedule till  evening ,I move towards the porch and sit in my car move towards Chauhan's penthouse.

Just when ,I came out of my car ,I move towards their penthouse as no-one is outside and saw everyone chit-chatting.

Just then ,I move towards Shivansh and after seeing me he hug me and after my meeting with associates after that he went towards everyone as they are bickering about something .

As ,I notice except my Rose everyone is present here . And I know where she must be at this point so , I move towards back side of the house and there she is.

 And I know where she must be at this point so , I move towards back side of the house and there she is

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( Imagine her as Amaya And dress from the previous chapter)

( Imagine her as Amaya And dress from the previous chapter)

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( The nature )

Just I call her Hey Rose everytime 🌹 and she smile whole heartedly but next moment compose herself .just this  I want to know the reason of this behaviour change .

Just before going to New York everything is fine ,she never behave like this but why now .

I move towards her and stand behind her .

I huskily whisper in her ear ,Hey Rose 🧿
And she shivers as my lips touch her ears as ,I speak and her cheeks turns the dark shade of red .

And ,I am loving my this effect on her just by this ,I know she also feel something for me .

Aa....aap ya....yah ..kaa...kaise she asked me with great difficulty and ,I am enjoying every bit of it as she can't even able to speak because of the beautiful work that my lips are doing on her neck .

Hmmm kyu hum yha nhi aa sakte kya Rose please tell ,I speak while continuing my work on her neck .

Sh shivers and tell pl...plee.....please ..aa .aap .....kya ..kr .....kar .....rhe hai koi aa jayega. Ruk jaiye Adi .

Here ,I am struck in her words she calls me Adi after complete 4 years today and I am feeling out of the world mt heart is full of love for my Rose.

Just as ,I am lost in my thoughts she again speak Adi where are you lost .

Rose , after damn four years you call me with this name today ,I am feeling like I am yours Adi only yours .

You know in these 4 years from when you stop saying me Adi ,I never let anyone call me with this name it's just your right .

And ,I don't know when a lone tear escape her eyes and fell on my hand ...

At that moment ,I didn't think anything and hug her tightly as my life depends on it .

But it's true my life only depends on her .As she is my life , my home ,my peace , my Rose 🌹.


There's a surprise in next chapter

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There's a surprise in next chapter .

Why Amaya stop calling him Adi ?

There's goona be a new entry soon in book .

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Before that no update.

Till then take care lovelies
From Only your author.

#Tia 🙈

Bye bye 🤗

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