Chapter Two

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I wake up to an annoying alarm to wake me up for school. I reach over and slam my hand on the clock.

Willy knocks on my bedroom door. "Ramona, it's time to wake up."

"Noooooo!" I whine. "Five more hoursssss!"

"You won't get a good education if you don't wake up." Willy says.

"Let me sleeeeeeeep!" I whine.

Willy opens the door. "Wake up."

"No." I pull the blanket over my head.

"Please?" Willy asks.

"Fiiiiine!" I whine. I sit up and stretch.

"Besides." Willy says. "You'll get to see Rowan."

I don't know why, but that made me get ready faster.

🍫Time Skip🍫

I walk to school, where I'm greeted by Rowan and the rest of my friends.

"Hey, Ramona!" Rowan smiles at me.

"Hey!" I exclaim in an annoying squeak.

"You feeling okay?" Rowan puts his hand on my forehead. "Your face is really red."

"I-I'm okay. Th-thank you." I blush.

"Good." Rowan takes his hand away. "S-sorry I just did that, but I wanted to make sure you were okay."

I blush harder. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Good." Rowan smiles.

"You two totally like each other." Izzy smirks.

"No, we don't!" Me and Rowan exclaim in unison.

"Yes, you dooooo!" Izzy sings out.

"No, we don't!" I exclaim, blushing.

"Okay, okay, fine. You 'don't'." Izzy says don't in air quotes.

"WE DON'T!" I yell. I see Rowan look down at his feet.

"Let's go inside." Rowan says, and walks inside.

I walk next to him. "Hey, you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Rowan says.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Rowan says.

"Okay. Just...tell me if anything's wrong." I say.

"Will do." Rowan smiles, and pats my head. "Shortie."

I blush. "I'm not short!" I cross my arms.

"Yes, you are." Rowan says.

"I'm only a half a foot shorter than you." I say.

"You're still short." Rowan teases me.

"No, I'm not!" I blush.

"Yes, you aaaare!" Rowan sings out.

"Alright, that's it!" I drag Rowan outside with me.

"Whatcha gonna do, shortie?" Rowan teases.

I tackle Rowan. "THIS! Haha!"

"Heh. Didn't know you could tackle." Rowan says.

"I didn't, either." I say.

"That's dangerous." Rowan says.

"Ha! 'Danger' is my middle name!" I exclaim.

"I thought it was Haeley." Rowan says.

"It's an expression!" I exclaim.

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