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Ever since 1993, I've been dead, beaten to a pulp in an alleyway after getting jumped by some of the people whose lives I've ruined. Even though I would have considered myself pretty strong while on Earth I like to keep to myself down here. Hell is a terrifying place, I'm mixed with murderers, rapists, and kidnappers... I don't want to be another victim. So how did I catch myself in this situation?

Y/ns pov
"Mmm fuck.."
I mumble out, waking up with the worst hangover ever. Struggling to lift my weight lay there holding my head.
"Holy Lucifer I need to quit drinking"
Making my way out of bed I stumble into the bathroom, rumbling through my drawers trying to find anything to ease the pain.. pain quickly turning into nausea.
Turning around I vomit straight into the toilet...

'Yeah, that's the end of me drinking' I think, hopefully, I can stay to the plan this time. Looking back into my drawers I find.. nothing.. great.. I must have taken the last of my pills after a breakdown, not surprised. I shake my head now at the fact that I have to go out and get more, my stomach fills with anxiety thinking of everyone I'll see. I've never been much of a people person, dead or alive, but everyone down here is just.. different...

I snap myself back on track and remember what I'm doing. Looking down I check my phone
'10:35 shit..'
Quickly making my way back to my room I search my clothes piles trying to find something to wear.

' Quickly making my way back to my room I search my clothes piles trying to find something to wear

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Landing on this I make my way out the door in a hurry. Trying to walk my way to some broken-down retail store. Searching through my bag I grab my headphones hoping it helps with no one wanting to talk to me.

'I self-isolate and wonder why I'm so lonely...' I can't help to think, that I guess some traits carry over to hell.

—————time skip I honestly to god don't know what to say about them walking to the store———————

Grabbing any pain relief I find in sight I stuff them all in my bag, just because I stay hidden doesn't mean I've stopped all my crimes. Maybe since I'm stealing I'll have more money for.. other things.. (drugs you a drug addict lol)

"Hey! You can't just take that! You have to pay for it!"


Swiftly I escape the store trying to run back home. After everything I've stolen pain relief is what is caught at ?!?! With my luck down here of course it is. Turning left I find myself at an alleyway, the surroundings around me suddenly slowing down. I find myself thinking about how I died.. caught while weak with no way to go.
"Come on man pay for those.."
I hear behind me, turning around I'm face to face with 2 tall demons staring down at me.
"Just pay and nothing will happen"
The other says following behind, I shake, stuck scared knowing I'm facing the same fate, a full circle.


The "leader" yells, I find myself down on the ground grading my head as I have a group of maybe 4, or 5 guys kicking, stomping, and stabbing me. Everything around me spins as I fade in and out of consciousness, my lungs barely filling with air, now all full of blood.
"You disgusting piece of shit"
All I hear before the world before me goes blank...

The group was some people whom I might have framed, maybe I stole from them? I think one of them I left bankrupt but I honestly never remembered. I guess it's what I deserved. If I wasn't even capable of remembering the names of who lives I've destroyed why would I deserve my own...?

The two demons don't wait for me to answer, one of them grabs my shirt lifting me before slamming me against the brick wall over and over again. Breaking my nose and trying to concuss me. I'm thrown back down and have both of them start going in on me. Punches and kicks all over my body, Them stomping on my hands and breaking my fingers.
"Why don't you just give these back to us.."
One says while grabbing my bag, going through and grabbing anything they can find useful to them. Taking my money leaving me ruined. I feel tears in my eyes as hands wrap around my neck I have him choke me.
"If I ever see you around my store again, if you live after this all, just know it'll be 10 times worse.."
the stronger one says before they leave.

I'm left in the alley broken and bruised, my ribs broken and lungs struggling i close my eyes hoping this is the last..

"Well well well, what do we have here~"

Words- 830

Hi everyone, I hope you like the first part. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me your opinions on my writing and how it can be changed to be better !! Any type of feedback is welcome. I'm wanting to make this a good story in the end even if it's crying lol.

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