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short chapter, I haven't been feeling really creative recently sorry (>_<)

Vox's pov:

"Ive been wanting to meet you love, Vox yaps us off about you all the damn time"

Watching Velvet and Y/N getting along calms me down a little, the worries Vel and Val would hate them did fill my head. Seeing them giggle about some stupid rom com show makes me..happy

'maybe I should leave them be..let them get closer'

Deciding just that I make my way to the door. Leaving without a word. Wondering the halls I make my way back to my room. Ever since Y/N has seen that commercial of the stupid Hazbin hotel they've been obsessed with wanting to go, It's disgusting. I've tried convincing them otherwise but it never works. I'm tired of it but I don't know what to do..One hand I can just brainwash them into saying here, the other, I feel bad doing so..

'Fuck...what is wrong with me, turning into some sappy fucker"

Sitting in my bedroom I slam my hands on my desk. Sighing for the fitith time, no good ideas coming to my head. Fucking hell.. I cant think about a stupud plan when all my head is full with the idea of them leaving me for that FUCKING hotel.. Throwing everything off my desk I loudly groan. I cant just brainwash them the whole time..I can't ruin my toy just yet. I could always...no..I dont want to ask that dumb lustful moth for help, but i know he has something that would.


I yelled, hearing his assistants scammble inside trying to get the door. Once it cracks I push my way through. Finding him sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette..

"Oh Vox..a surpise meeting~" he says with a cocky grin
"Look..I just need some help."
"And what would that be"

Valentino stands from the couch and starts walking closer to me. Suddenly wrapping one of his arms around my wasit and pulling me closer, just to blow smoke in my face.
"I need a love potion, and fast."


hii i updated again after fucking forever i'm literally so sorry. I haven't felt creative in forever and just can't write rn, anytime i try i just get stuck and get no where. I'm still updating this book and have another one coming out soon (an adam x reader) so once that comes out please check it out. I promise i will try updating more often and not just one every few months..i'm not at coreyxkenshin level where i can do that LOL.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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