-ما سبب موته؟
:مات من كثرة الضحك
-وما سبب ضحكه؟
:يضحك من القهر
-What caused his death?
He died from laughing too much
-Why is he laughing?
:He laughs out of oppression
أنت تقرأ
انسان ام مخزن ديناميت Human? Or dynamite Store
General Fictionمقتطفات عابرة من الحياة الاشخاص Fleeting snippets from people's lives
احتراق على نار هادئة Burning on low heat
-ما سبب موته؟
:مات من كثرة الضحك
-وما سبب ضحكه؟
:يضحك من القهر
-What caused his death?
He died from laughing too much
-Why is he laughing?
:He laughs out of oppression