-هذه جروح كثيرة
-كيف تأذيت؟
:تأذيت من شدة صلابتي
-These are a lot of wounds
-How were you hurt?
:I was hurt because of how tough I was
أنت تقرأ
انسان ام مخزن ديناميت Human? Or dynamite Store
Ficção Geralمقتطفات عابرة من الحياة الاشخاص Fleeting snippets from people's lives
إفراط excess
-هذه جروح كثيرة
-كيف تأذيت؟
:تأذيت من شدة صلابتي
-These are a lot of wounds
-How were you hurt?
:I was hurt because of how tough I was