4 Rating Game

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Ben landed near the school and entered the campus. Girls greeted him, and he paid them no attention. Rias soon approached him as Ben rolled his eyes and attempted to walk away as the devils surrounded him. "You're coming with me," said Rias.

"Um, no," said Ban.

"I wasn't asking," said Rias.


Ben sat as Rias accused him of killing her familiar. "That's what that was? Seriously? Just get a new one and leave me be," said Ben as he got to his feet and walked towards the door.

Kiba stood in his way.

"I wasn't done," said Rias, "you're working with fallen angels, and you have the nerve to set foot in my school."

"Working with them?" Ben asked with derision in his voice, "Why would I work with the very things that killed my family? You have it backwards. I'm out of here. Had enough of my time wasted." Ben proceeded to head to the door as Kiba tried to stop him----only to be shot through the window.

Ben then left before Rias could ask him another question.


Ben found himself sitting before Stiri and head master. They asked him what his was, and he could see others were surrounding the office. Ben sighed as he said, "I'll tell you on one condition."

"Name it," said the Headmaster.

"That you leave me alone and stay out of my personal life."

"I can't accept those---"

"Then we don't have a deal," said Ben.

"I'll agree. However, I ask you go on various missions," said the Headmaster.

Realizing he could use this to gain information, Ben said, "Very well. I'm a Viltrumite, at least half of one. My father is a full blooded Viltrumite, while my mother was human."

"Was? What happened?"

"Fallen angels six years back broke into our house during the dead of night and cut down her and my brother before me, my powers awakened, and I slaughtered all 34 of those fallen. Seeing my potential, my father took me back to Viltrum where I joined their military," answered Ben.

"You took down that many fallen," asked the headmaster.

Ben nodded.

"So you're a soldier?" Asked Sona.

"Yes. We go to help planets such as this head to a better tomorrow," said Ben in reply.

"How can we trust you? You're working with our enemies," said the Headmaster.

"You just have to take my word for it, but the reason is I have use for them at this point in time," said Ben as he got up and left before saying, "I have my mission, and how I see it through is my business." Ben then left.


Ben had decided to buy those fallen angels their own apartment as Aisa insisted on staying with him to repay him. Although Ben said for her to stay in the guest room. As Ben lay on his bed, a magic circle appeared as Rias teleported in and asked Ben to take her virginity as she started to undress.

Soon another magic circle appeared as a woman in a maid outfit came and apologized to Ben before the two devils left. However, not before saying to meet Rias in the club room the next evening.


Ben stood in the ORC meeting room as Riser appeared. Riser Phenex spoke in third person before noticing Ben. "My dear? What's a filthy human doing here?"

"Don't insult me," said Ben, "I'm a son of Viltrum."

Riser Phenex scoffed as he started to mock Ben. Grayfia said that all matters of conflict are to be settled by a rating game.

"Rating game?" Asked Ben.

"It's like chess," answered Grayfia.

"I shall do this 'rating game' in the place of her," said Ben.

Everyone was shocked and taken aback. But Grayfia said she'd speak with lord Sirzechs about it. Returning minutes later, Grayfia told Ben it was approved.

"Tomorrow," said Ben.

"Riser accepts your terms, 'Viltrumite.' Riser should personally thanks you for giving me a Guaranteed win." Ben said nothing which infuriated him as he screamed at Ben how he'd lose.

Riser soon left

"Are you out of your mind?!" Asked Rias.

Ben only said, "I got a play date with a spoiled brat to prepare for," said Ben as he left.


(Start at 0:20)

Ben stood in the clubhouse as the rating game started. Stepping outside, he shot into the air. Ben sighted the first group of pawns as he leveled the section of building they were in as he exploded through and disqualified them. The queen was next as she was cratered into the ground at a hundred times speed of sound as the explosion took the two nearby knights along for the ride in disqualification

The rest of the pawns were the next to go. They never saw Ben coming. Riser realizing he was the only one left, stood in denial and disbelief. Soon the building below him crumbled as grabbed him by the face, and shot high into the sky before plowing him throw what was left of the campus----reducing Riser into a mangled mess.

Riser Phenex, having lost consciousness, was disqualified. "Riser retires. Winner Ben Hyoudou."

(Music ends)

End Chapter

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