Chapter One: Stina

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Stina fell down on her bed. Training with all those losers was annoying- but much more tiring. And with the fact that she was the only one in Team Valiant that hadn't hit a target with a throwing star- she was done for the day. She wished that one of her friends could've been on the team. Maybe not Marella since of her fire- but Linh and Maruca were each super powerful. Team Valiant didn't have a Hydrokinetic or a Psionipath.

It wasn't fair at all that Sophie got her friends on the team, Sophie got to be leader, Sophie got to have all these special abilities, Sophie got to be pretty, and that everyone liked Sophie. Everything was always about the "Moonlark."

"Stina!" barked Vika Heks from downstairs, "Come help me feed Wishful!"

Stina rolled off of her bed, groaning inwardly, and shouted, "Fine! I'm coming."

She glanced out the window from Sterling Gables at the Heks Unicorn Preserve- the biggest and best in the world. It had help her become popular- but now it didn't seem to be good enough.


"ALRIGHT, I'm coming, sheesh," Stina yelled back to her mom.

She made her way out the door, grumbling as she went.

Outside, her mom was holding one hand on her hip, and the other one on the harness tethered to a beautiful sparkling unicorn.

"Get the Unicorn Mix, and some fruit- you know her favorites."

"Yeah, I do," grumbled Stina as she walked to the stables.

She swished around a bucket and dipped it in a crate of dried mangoes and cauliflower seeds and grabbed a packet of Delightfully Delightful Unicorn Mix (For all Unicorn breeds and Alicorns). Stina really had no clue as to what lead to Wishful's "exotic" taste. All it meant to Stina was fishing around in gross vegetables.

She lugged the bucket back to her mom, opened up the packet, and threw the contents into Wishful's mouth. The unicorn caught it all, and happily munched on her lunch.

"You're not done yet!" Stina called to her unicorn, "You need to have some fruits and veggies!"

Wishful nickered, nearly sweeping Vika off her feet. Stina tossed the mangoes and seeds into the air which Wishful caught in her mouth and chewed. When she finished, the unicorn made a sound that said- quite plainly- that she wanted more.

"Not today, Wish- you've had enough. You're basically consuming every grain on this preserve!" Stina said, walking alongside the glowering unicorn as her mom lead her back to the stables.

Stina patted Wishful's mane, and walked back to the house with Vika.

"Great, now that your finished with your chores- you need to go to Everglen," said her mom expressionless.

"Everglen?! Why? What do they need?" Stina responded, outraged, stopping.

"Apparently this Mr. Forkle said there's an 'emergency.'" Vika responding, pausing to glare at her daughter.

"Yeah, probably an emergency where they don't even need me. They have Keefe- anyway, he's the better Empath." The jealousy in her voice was hard to miss.

"True," her mom agreed, "But you're still going. You're so not going to make me look bad for Team Valiant in front of the Council- if they are involved."

Stina suppressed rolling her eyes difficultly. Team Valiant didn't want her- so why should she care?

But she cowered at her mom's second glare and decided that it wouldn't hurt to go see what this "emergency" was. Anyway, if she was going- Linh, Marella, and Maruca would probably there.

So, Stina reluctantly pulled out her pathfinder and said, "Everglen."


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