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A/N: credit for image @ sinningapple on twitter

This will contain smut if you don't like it please don't read.

It was quite a normal day in hell, well what you would consider normal here in hell. I was currently helping Charlie with some remodeling, around the hotel.

"Hey Al I'm not so sure this poster is really welcoming for sinners to join us, don't get me wrong I love that you're helping me with it! You know but-

"I don't seem to find an issue with it though Charlie dear.." I looked at her confused, this is a really well poster to draw those wretched sinners in.

"What the hell did you make Alastor! Making a poster of us killing them and with all that blood, why would that be welcoming at all?" Vaggie seemed to be having some doubts about my work, don't understand why I admire what I made.

"I'm sorry Al vaggie is right ..? the handwriting is really gorgeous though!"

Dear Charlie always being such a lovable creature, such a resemblance to her dear father. They continued discussing wether to paint over what I did and just leave my handwriting. I took my leave and decided to check around the hotel making sure we didn't need anything else fixing.

While walking around the halls I look to see angel coming out of his room.

"Dear angel it's past 9:00am why were you still in bed?"

"... shut it al" someone is on a mood, I see him heading to the washroom, looks to see he worked pretty hard last night.

I continue my walk when I hear a slitter-in sound as I walked towards my room, I sensed it was none other than Lucifer so I keep listening as to where he might be.

Look at my little bambi.. trying to find me how cute.

I was in the closet with only the door opened a little and I see his ears moving to try to find my sounds, so cute!

He starts looking under the bed and that's where I jump out and grab his waist surprising him.


He stands up right away and looks down on me.

"Oh come on Bambi...it's okay"
I grab his coat and put him down on the bed and sit on his lap.

"The door luci!" Al looks at me so afraid that will get caught.

"Whatttt? ... im just sitting on your lap that's all....or did you think I was going to do something mmmm.." I lean in to his neck and give him a few pecks, I suddenly bite his neck quick and get off of him and run towards the door to lock it.

"Ow.. luci what was that for .."

"What? ... didn't you want me to lock the door, wouldn't want anyone to see you with me like this ... mmm"

I grabbed his coat and smashed my lips onto him and roughly kissed him, he returned the favor and grabbed my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck. I made him get up and pushed him against the wall with our lips still connected.

I pull away and look at him a panting mess, drool over the side of his mouth and looking at me with hungry eyes, with his ears down.

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