chapter 6

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Nick was enjoying a leisurely stroll through the city center when he spotted Dylan, the charming employee of the local grocery store he was staying at

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Nick was enjoying a leisurely stroll through the city center when he spotted Dylan, the charming employee of the local grocery store he was staying at. A mischievous smile formed on his face as he approached.

—Dylan! It's good to see you again.

—Nick, what a nice surprise!- the brunette smiled, kissing the younger man's cheek.

—I'm fine!

The two began to talk, sharing a laugh and updating each other on the experiences of the last few days. Nick felt his heart beating faster with every moment he spent with Dylan. The connection between them was undeniable, and the flirting intensified.

Meanwhile, at home, Chris found Matt sitting on the sofa with a sad expression on his face.

—Matt, what happened? You seem a bit down.

Matt sighed, looking down at the floor.

—You know, Chris, I've been thinking a lot about how I feel about Lauren. I can't tell if I really hate her or... I don't know.

Chris nodded understandingly, taking a seat next to his brother.

—Matt, you need to be honest with yourself and, above all, with her. You know, if you think you might like her, there's no point in talking a load of shit all the time.

When Nick returned home, he ran into the other two brothers and, when he saw the confused expression on Matt's face, he joined them, curious to know what was going on.

—What's going on here? Is everything all right?

—I'm trying to help Matt stop running away from his feelings for Lauren. He needs to declare himself and be honest with her.

—I don't know if I like her or not, okay?- the boy said defensively.— Maybe it's just this weird lull we're having. Seriously, she hasn't let me go back to my room yet! And it's been a week!

—You deserved it.- Nick said.— And, honestly, would it be such a catastrophe if you guys stayed?

Matthew sighed, throwing his head back tiredly.

—It would, Nick, it would. And, by the way, she'd never stay with me after everything I've told her...

—You don't know what life has in store for you until you try it.- Chris said, hugging his brother.

—That's right, Matt! We're with you on this, even though you're an airhead ninety-nine percent of the time. You're not alone!

The triplets hugged each other, sharing a moment of brotherly support and mutual strength. They knew that together they could overcome any obstacle and that, whatever the future held, they would always be there for each other, forever.


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