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assassin, prince, reincarnation, past lives, hired-to-kill

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assassin, prince, reincarnation, past lives, hired-to-kill

Taehyung kept his head bowed as he received the orders for his newest mission.

"Do you accept the tasks presented to you?" The leader of the Kyotan Mafia questioned the young assassin standing before him.

"I accept this mission," Taehyung answered confidently. His gaze remained on the cold floor beneath him as he answered his leader.

"Very well. You will depart for Itrius tonight. Good luck. May the shadows cloak you well," Taehyung's leader responded.

"Thank you, Master," Taehyung clasped his hands together before him and bowed once before turning and exiting the hall.

"How did it go?" A silver-haired man asked, approaching Taehyung as the doors closed behind him.

"Hyung," the young assassin greeted his captain. "I accepted it."

Worry covered the captain's face as he looked at his young assassin. "Are you sure you want to accept this one? Let me do it, hm? This is the hardest one Master has ever presented to you. Let me-"

"Hyung, it's okay. Master said I could rank up to a lieutenant if I succeed." Taehyung offered an assuring smile to Namjoon even though he was secretly shaking on the inside. This was the hardest mission, but it was the only way to buy his freedom. If he succeeded, he would be a lieutenant instead of a slave.

Namjoon sighed. "Alright. But be careful."

"Don't worry, Hyung. I've got the shadows, remember?" Taehyung said, giving Namjoon a boxy smile to cheer him up.

The captain shook his head at his subordinate while ruffling Taehyung's silky, black hair.


The city twinkled in the night as the hovercraft flew over the numerous skyscrapers decorating the horizon. Jungkook gazed down at the city with furrowed brows. He was visiting a potential ally nation in hopes of entering a deal with them. As prince of Devonia, it was Jungkook's duty to negotiate with neighboring countries to spread his kingdom's influence and business.

Jungkook's destination was the nation of Estyn. Estyn was a peaceful nation that agreed to nearly every treaty presented to them. However, for Jungkook's visit, it was Estyn who had offered an alliance with Devonia. Devonia was the second largest nation in the eastern hemisphere, so Estyn was keen on maintaining peace with the powerful country.

As the hovercraft began its descent into the capital city of Estyn, Jungkook's right hand walked up to him with a tablet in his hands.

"What are they proposing?" Jungkook inquired as he accepted the tablet from Jin.

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