Another day of paradise

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Another beautiful day today, sun is shining and I'm living my life to the fullest. I think.

I'm sitting here in the sun on some comfortable grass. The grass always makes me itch but I can't help but lie in it when it's sunny out.

I miss pavement sometimes, not that I never see pavement... But I never really lie down on it in the sun these days.

A hot roof on the other hand? I try to find a roof to climb on once a day at least.

It's quite lonely out here where I am, but the few times I spot other people I hide and run off in the other direction.

I do not need any cans of worms in my life.

Speaking of, I hear an oh so familiar growling sound sneaking up on me. Not eager to meet these fellas, I wonder off towards the dirt road I was walking down to begin with.

Im pretty sure I'm in Idaho right now, I don't really like to stay in one place too long. So right now I'm going down this dirt road that seems to lead to nowhere. I'm surrounded by forest which is both comforting and horrifying as anything could be lurking in there.

After miles and miles and a few stragglers here and there I had to run away from, I finally found a different path leading down to a stream. There's a small cabin here. Seems like a good place to sleep as any.

First let's see if there's anyone else here though...

I grab my knife out of my left pocket, and hold it tightly as I get closer to the cabin.

I give it a quick knock knock knock on the door and wait and listen for any movement.


I try the handle and that bad boy swang right on open.

The dust in here is incredible, I've never seen so much dust.

At least I'm getting a free meal out of this just by breathing in.

I investigate the area I've discovered, it's an old old cabin that's been abandoned for a long time. There's a small twin bed and a wick lamp on a side table next to it.

There is also a wooden stove and a pile of very old wood next to it. And a very suspicious looking table.

Not much but what a beaut! All by its lonesome just begging to be used by a human like me.

It's quite cool in here too compared to the harsh summer sun I've been cooking in. Thankfully there's trees covering the area making it nice and shaded.

I open the singular window this cabin has and I leave the door wide open to let this delicious air out.
I've not had a nice little place like this in a while, usually I just find a tall building and sleep on the roof. Apartments and houses give me the creeps.. I can only imagine the past lives that once lived there.

I fluff the sad dirty blanket on the bed and look around to check for scary bugs or anything else I would not want to lie on.

I close the door and lie my aching body on the bed and doze off almost immediately


I've woken to the pitter patter of rain against the roof. How comforting.

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