8. We kiss we make out !

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"Are you almost ready Shun?"
"Just hold on!" Kaidou was running around his bedroom, turning off the main lights in favour for a lamp on his bedside table. Soon after, he joined Aren underneath the covers of his bed with a laptop out in front of them. They laid together on the stomaches with their heads sticking out from the quilt.

Kaidou shuffled in closer until their sides were touching. Kuboyasu was already warm underneath the blanket, but was even warmer with the contact, and whatever was blaring inside of him. He tried his best not too think too much about every part of him that was touching Kaidou. Instead trying to focus on the movie in front of them. It was time for their Ghibli date.

The reason Kuboyasu was there wasn't actually because he wanted to watch a movie. It was because the baseball game was tomorrow and since his house was much further away, he didn't want to wake up so early. Kindly, Kaidou had offered he stayed overnight at his because it was much closer, which Kuboyasu had eagerly agreed to. 

He wasn't too used to these types of movies. He did actually kind of like them, but he usually watched movies with a bunch of violence and action. These were a lot calmer and sweeter and actually had a message other than to just kill others that sort of looked at you wrong. But Kuboyasu figured it was good for him to soften himself up a bit. Especially if it meant he got to spend time with Kaidou all wrapped up together.

Kaidou breathed out and laid his head against Kuboyasu's shoulder. This was just a natural thing at this point. But Kuboyasu's heart still immediately began to beat quicker and a smile formed on his face. He hoped his body would react the same way every single time Shun did something like this. And he was sure it would.

He looked down at Kaidou paying attention to the screen. Kuboyasu could really only see his hair, the soft blue tufts that slightly curled at the ends. He imagined running his hand through the strands, kissing the top of his head. Just to show that he cared in some way. But he wouldn't do something Kaidou didn't want, no matter how badly it hurt recently. How desperately close they were to being a real thing, yet so far away.

Kaidou must have felt Aren's stare because he looked up at him, squinting squinted from the light difference as he spoke. "What are you doing?" He wasn't annoyed, maybe more curiosity. "Why were you just staring at me?"
Kuboyasu shook his head returning his attention to the screen. "Ah, sorry," He was sure Kaidou could see the red in his face only getting worse.
"Tch, how pathetic." The blue tufts shook slightly in the edge of Kuboyasu's eyes.

In a second, he felt something warm against his cheek. Something warm and soft, followed by a quick breath against his cheek.

Kuboyasu's heart stopped working in that split second and it seemed that his mind had also stopped working. The mark where Kaidou's lips had been, prickled and burnt all the way down his neck. He turned to the boy unsure of how he looked. Not sure of anything.

"What's you just do?" Aren's voice broke for a second, asking the dumb question, but it was all his head could come up with. He just hoped it hadn't come out like he was telling him off. That was the exact opposite of what he was trying to do.

They'd kissed already. Multiple times. But all of those times had been somewhat planned or talked about before, right? Shun had just kissed him. And for some reason it felt just that slightest bit more real.

Kaidou sheepishly turned his head away embarrassed. Kuboyasu stretched out a hand until he grasped the bottom of his chin. He pulled Shun closer until they faced each other, the light from the laptop the only thing illuminating their features in the dark. "Shun," Kuboyasu whispered, the smile thick in his tone.
"Ah! I didn't do anything. Forget about it." Kaidou looked down as Kuboyasu slowly slipped his hand out from under his chin.
"Do you really want me to?" He asked, watching his hand slowly dip towards Shun's pale neck.

I'll kiss you better <3 (Kubokai)Where stories live. Discover now