Jisoo's Home

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Nancy: mmmm
She moaned feeling Taehyung kissing her neck.
Nancy: Mmm daddy it mmm feels so good.
Right now Taehyung and Nancy are in his room.
She is sitting on his lap while he is kissing her neck.
He squished her waist making her moan even Louder.
Suddenly he stopped.
Tae: Get up!
He ordered in his cold voice making her scared and confused.
Nancy: what happened baby?
Tae: Nothing, you go downstairs I am coming.
She nodded and left.
Tae's mind: why the hell it feels wrong?
What is happening with me? And the shorty keeps coming in my mind.
He lighten his cigarette and put it in his mouth.
Leaving some toxic smoke.
He trowed the cigarette and went out of his room.
He came in living room to see his mother sitting there and looking at Nancy with a blank face.
The living room:

Nancy is sitting there crossing her legs and is scrolling trough her phone and  sometimes laughing a bit, ignoring the presence of his mother

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Nancy is sitting there crossing her legs and is scrolling trough her phone and  sometimes laughing a bit, ignoring the presence of his mother.

Tae: Nancy sit properly.
He said while glaring at her.
He knows that his mother hates it when someone is sitting infront on her that way.
Nancy: why what happened? I am sitting properly.
She said still not aware of his mother sitting infront of her.
he shouted this time making her flinch and she sat properly.
She looked up and that's when she noticed Mrs Kim.
Nancy: w.who is she?
Tae: My mom.
He said while gritting his teeth.
Nany: o.ohhh h.hello Auntie.
She said still sitting there not even getting up to bow at her.
Getting no response from her she smiled nervously.
Tae: Nancy go I will Meet at university.
He said controlling his anger.
Angry because she disrespected his mother whom he love the most.
Nancy: Okay then bye babe.
She got up and went towards Taehyung to kiss him but she stopped seeing his burning eyes.
She left.
Taehyung sighed and went to sit beside his mother.
Tae: why is Mrs Kim angry?
He asked in a sweet voice with a smile on his face.
She turned her head to other side.
Tae: Come on mom,why are angry with me?
She faced him.
Mrs kim: Seriously Tae?
Tae: What mom?
Mrs Kim: you again changed your girlfriend?
Tae: so?
Mrs kim: so? What do you mean by so?
Tae: mom you know that I can't stay with a girl more than 1 or 2 weeks or maybe a month.
Mrs kim: Taehyung be serious, it's your life. Why the hell are you a playboy? You know that I hate it but still you don't listen to me and keep changing your girlfriends like clothes.
Tae: mom please not now.
Mrs kim: then when?
Tae: never.
Mrs kim: Taehyung.
Tae: sorry just kidding.
Mrs kim: you know what every girl you have chosen were all mannerless.
And right now the one who was here was also the same even worse than the all. Look at the way she dress up.
Tae: mom I like it.
Mrs kim: But I don't and if you like it that much then make her wear it for yourself not when she is here.
But that doesn't matter cause I know you are again gonna change your girlfriend.
Tae: mom now please stop.
He said and side hugged her.
She smiled after all he is her son and she love him so much.
She hugged him back and started crassing his back.
Jennie: MOMMMMM!
she shouted from upstairs.
Tae: Why the hell is she shouting in Saturday?
He said broking the hug.
She come down all dressed.
Mrs kim: where are you going?
Jennie: I am going to jisoo unnie's house.
Mrs Kim: ohh okay say hi from my side also someday bring her here I want to meet her.
She said while smiling and Jennie smiled back.
Jennie: OK mom but if she and her parents agreed. Mom I will be home at night okay so don't worry.
Lisa and rosé are also going with me okay the bye mom and bye Mr.shouting I mean oppa.
He glared at her.
Mrs Kim: what you mean by Mr Shouting?
Jennie: it's a nick name of oppa.
Mrs Kim: and who give it ?
Jennie: jisoo unnie.
Her mother chuckled.
Mrs Kim: why?
Jennie: mom I will tell you why but now i am getting late so bye.
Mrs kim: bye baby take care.
She left and Mrs Kim faced Taehyung.
Mrs kim: what?
Tae: MOM! You didn't liked any of my girlfriends and here you are telling Jennie to say hi from your side to that shorty?
Mrs kim: why are you calling her shorty?
Tae: because she is.
Mrs kim: shut up.
She isn't like your so called girlfriends.
I haven't met her but Jennie about her.
She is such an angle.
Tae: you know what mom I am going.
He said and went to his room.
Mrs kim: aishh thus boy.

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