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Amidst the turmoil following their defeat, the Rangers were caught off guard as Heckyl's face appeared on the communication screen.

Heckyl: "Rangers, we need to talk. I'm not your enemy."

Tyler: "Why should we believe you, Heckyl?"

Heckyl: "Snide, the one causing all this trouble, is my dark side. He emerged because of the Dark Energem's influence. I need your help to get free from his control."

The Rangers exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the idea that Heckyl and Snide were two sides of the same coin.

Heckyl (continuing): "I was once a warrior tasked with protecting the Dark Energem, while trying to keep the dark energem from Lord Arcanon's reach the energem twisted me, creating Snide, and turned me against everything I once stood for."

Tyler: "So, Snide is like your dark alter ego?"

Heckyl: "Exactly. I need your help to break free from his control."

Koda (thoughtful): "We help. We fight Snide and save Heckyl."

Heckyl (grateful): "Thank you rangers. I have to go before Snide takes over."

Kendall: "But how can we help you to break free."

Heckyl: "You will have to build split emitters. I will send you the data you will need to build and use them."

The transmission ends and the room is filled with tension as the Rangers gather around a holographic table, contemplating Heckyl's fate. The atmosphere is heavy with uncertainty.

Tyler (skeptical): "I get it. Heckyl says he wants to help, but can we trust him? He is Snide, after all."

Koda (contemplative): "Koda think everyone deserve chance to change. Even Heckyl."

Tyler (pragmatic): "But what if it's a trap? What if he's just waiting for the right moment to turn on us?"

Kendall (analytical): "We need to weigh the risks. If we free Heckyl and he betrays us, it could have serious consequences. But if he's genuine, he might be a valuable ally."

Chase (resolute): "I don't like it either, but we can't ignore the possibility that he might have useful information. We need every advantage we can get."

Sir Ivan (insightful): "If Heckyl truly wishes to change, perhaps we should offer him that chance, Sir Tyler."

Tyler (reluctant): "Alright, let's do it. But we keep a close eye on him. One wrong move, and he's back in the cell."

Kendall: "Okay then I will start working to construct the split emitters."


Tyler: "Let's do this rangers. Ready, team?"

Rangers (in unison): "Ready!"

With focused determination, the Rangers placed the split emitters. As soon as Heckyl came and stood, Shelby pressed a switch and the split emitters emitted beams on Heckyl.

As the separation process unfolded, a surge of energy enveloped Heckyl. The air crackled with the intensity of the transformation. The Rangers held their breath, hoping for success.


Kendall (observing): "It's working. I am picking up two separate energy readings."


Just as success seemed within reach, Snide, enraged and sensing his impending separation, fought back with ferocity. Dark energy tendrils emerged, trying to resist the separation.The energy surge intensified, and with a blinding burst, Heckyl and Snide were forcibly separated.

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