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Vincent's POV

You are useless Vincent. You are nothing but a burden. The shadows whispered as they pulled me to the bottom. Their hands wrapped around me. I was drowning, sinking to the bottom. I cannot breathe, please... please someone save me. I raised my hand hoping that someone would pull me up but nothing, no one. I kept sinking. I felt afraid, I did not want to die. 

"Vincent, Vincent," Someone called up my name. The vision went to oblivion as I realised it was nothing but a dream. Relief flooded into me. I sighed. The one calling out my name was none other than the professor. 

I looked at her

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I looked at her. She had an Italian accent despite being American. Dirty blonde, and a decent figure, and a big brain. I respected her for not being one of those teachers who discriminate against kids based on their demeanour. She had a nonchalant attitude overall. 

"Can you rephrase the question, Miss Clara?" I asked not wanting to reveal that I was sleeping during her lecture. I am a first-year student and business major. Quite typical. 

"Can you tell me the two major objectives of a businessman, Vincent?" She asked. I felt uncomfortable as all the eyes shifted onto me. As if they were waiting for me to fall, so they could kill me, haunt me and more. Like the shadows. 

"Earning profits and customer satisfaction?" It came as a question more than an answer. She nodded. She asked me a question just to insult me for sleeping during her lecture. I wanted to see blood, she would be pretty covered in blood. 

I quickly gave up on my intrusive thoughts as I listened to her boring lecture. Mom would be at home, I should bring something for her birthday today. The class ended quickly and I decided to take a stroll around the university until the next lecture. 

I sat on a bend observing these creatures called humans. IT FELT AS I I AM NOT HUMAN. They walk, they talk it is all the same thing. Over and over again repeating. They are so predictable and dumb yet vicious. Their venom is too much. I would kill them.

 What am I thinking? I shook off my thoughts as a girl approached me. She had that snarky grin on her face and a few guys hovering over her. I saw a glimpse of the shadow. The shadow I am talking bout is not the physical shadow, it is as if a ghost is standing by her, I can only see it. 

If I say that out aloud I would end up in a mental asylum.

The girl stepped closer as she grabbed my necklace and took it in her hand. I did not react immediately. 

"Oh looks like you at least have something valuable," She said. I could feel the shadows hovering around her and those guys. I looked at her in hate, with dead cold eyes. "Give. It. Back." I said slowly emphasizing every word I said.

 She laughed and giggled like an idiot. I stood up slowly, calmly not losing my rationality. The necklace was the only keepsake of my dad, who was the owner of the sperm that formed the zygote which developed into me. 

A tall guy pushed me back, making me fall back onto the bench, seated. I let out a low grunt. Oh, she is the queen. I almost smirked. I saw the shadows around them, hovering looking at me. They were inviting me. They had this huge grin which spread up to their eyes, like ghosts haha. I am delusional.

 It would be nice if these guys dropped dead if they were cut into pieces and blood splashed out. They would scream in agony and die. The shadows disappeared? I am seeing things again. But they, these people dropped dead, Blood oozing out of their necks.

It was three of them. They dropped dead. Hopefully. I looked at them with widened eyes. Blood spraying and colouring the concrete ground and me. The smell was metallic and enticing. The shadows grinning and looking at me. 

The reality hit me hard. People started coming in my direction, and that is when I realised this was merely not my imagination. It is real. They died. They died because of me. How can that be possible? My heartbeat increased, and I was shocked. 

Someone knelt on the ground and checked their pulse. "They, they are dead!" She said in terror. Many whispered. The sky was dark like it was there to suit the mood. They glanced at me suspiciously. 

They are witnesses, am I a criminal? No that can't be. I did not want to kill them. I stood up in a panicked state. Really? don't lie now you always wanted to kill. It is in your blood. You are a killer. The voices echoed. No, no! That can't be, I am not a killer. 

A guy suddenly crashed onto me and then punched me in the face. I looked at the crowd pleading for help. Do they think I killed? No, the shadows killed them, not me. I wanted to scream at them. 

"You killed her, You.. you killed Ava Murphy," He said. His voice was full of emotion and rage. I was speechless. I looked at him. Was he her lover? I tried to get up but it only earned me a punch in the gut. Why did they think I killed her, I did not even touch her.

 I looked at the corpse unable to escape reality. Her eyes were openly staring directly into my soul. That was when the crowd stepped aside.

I heard sirens. It was the police. Two of the officers came and dragged the guy on top of me away helping me up. I did not have time to react. Before I knew anything I found myself cuffed. I looked at the officers pleadingly. 

"Please, I... I did not do this," I could not even muster the courage to say the word kill. The officer did not even look me in the eye. I felt a faint tinge on my skin. They injected something into me. 

What? Do I look like a feral beast? Am I a killer? What about mom how would she react to this? Please god, tell me this is a dream. Why did it have to be me? 

I looked at the corpse grinning at me saying I deserved it. The shadows hovered telling me that I did great. The crowd looks at me in despise as if I am a murderer. My reality blurred. I found a few black dots in my vision. They grew larger.

 Shit. The drug is working. I did not feel anything. 

"Hello Mr. Brooks, the mission is a success. We caught him" I heard someone saying as I fell into oblivion. It was as if I was floating. What would they say to my mom? I am a killer? I wanted to laugh. I am pathetic, 

Hahaha, history always repeats huh? I felt nothing but sadness in my heart. You don't get to have a heart, Vincent. You are a monster. The shadows whispered.

Author's note

Hello, my beloved readers. What do you think of this story? Feel free to direct your criticism through the comments and of course support is always welcomed. 

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