Ness/N[The Masked One]

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"..........I am What I am............."Ness"..........Or As I am Called By many...........The Masked One"-Ness

"......The Balancers are Gonna Fall and I'll Make Them All Beg For Mercy...But Mercy Will be At The Hands of Fate And Destiny When I Create The "Devil's amalgamation" ..........I Will.......Kill Them All.........By My Bare Hand's"

"Humans.......A Imperfect Species Truly The Only Known Species That Have Shifted Existence With Their Choices Leaving Alternative Realities.....Greed...Lust....And All Others are What They Are Made of...Truly The Example of a Corrupt Species Made By "God"....That's Why Humans are Nothing More Than Just Plaything's For Me and Other's...Heh...Their Cruelty is Not Compared To Mine,Veritas and Satan's Even Omen's As We Represent The true Evil Itself"

".....Humans are Flawed and Imperfect with Limitations and The Inability To Not Understand The Comprehensible And Incomprehensible Due To Their Weak Perception of Reality......that's Why......They're Weak and Pathetic Little Apes That Evolved Into Nothing More than just Toys and FleshBag's To Play With"

BackStory/History:[REDACTED A Lot of His Backstory is Unknown But Some Is Revealed]:

During The Fight Between Bag[breadmd21]And L.V.A[Level Void Anomaly]....Ness Would Appear From Nowhere Ordering L.V.A To Kill Bag and Said To L.V.A "Find The Dark Prince....My Precious Creation"....L.V.A Listened and The Battle Continued With L.V.A Losing And Getting It's Internal Magic and Flame's Extinguished By Bag.....With L.V.A Being Sent Somewhere Else....Ness Made Two More Anomalie's Fight Bag With One Anomaly Being a Brute That He Made Drink An Elixir But....It was Killed By a Giant Sword....The One Who Threw It At The Brute was None other Than The "NIGHTWALKER"[breadmd21]But Ness would Disappear To Somewhere Else....Leaving NightWalker Alone Who Went Elsewhere....,After The Night-Walker's Return[breadmd21],Ness Would Go Somewhere Unknown,An Empty,Isolated Plain Field With a Massive Pink Tree Located Nowhere In The Entire Universe or Multiverse,To Meet Up With A Mysterious Person Who Had Been Revealed To Be "Verita's" Waiting For Him,Soon The Two Would Discuss and Talk About Their Next Move and Plan's.........Later On... Ness Would Create and make Around Six New Anomalie's That He Dubbed "The Experimental Anomalie's" Or T.X.A.L For Short....

True Name:[REDACTED]

Description:Ness Also Known as "Masked One" Is a Unknown Entity Stated To have been killed By The "NightWalker" However came To The Plane of Existence and Non Existence After Suddenly Reappearing The Rest Is Unknown But He Now plans To Create What he Calls The "Devil's Amalgamation" An Entity Composed and Comprised of many..MANY Level:7 to 10 anomalies....Ness Is also Responsible For The Destruction of a Union Verse.....As They Had Not Known The Consequences Of Messing with Him....Resulting In Their Unfortunate Eventual End By The Anomalies of the Devil's Void.....,Ness Is One of The Only Being's To Know of The "Outside" Of Their Omniverse As He Himself Has Traveled & Entered Other Omniverse's But such one Is OV-Alpha....The Main Omniverse & Met The Overwatcher of Death Herself During When she & Nyte freed The Omni-Eater

Whenever Ness Speak's....He Talk's In a Strange Yet Odd Tone.....One Filled With Pure Honey....Like An Addictive Drug Yet Not At The Same Time,It Is Ominously Friendly With An Eerie Sensation....With a Friendly And Kind Behavior However That is False As Behind The Friendly & Kind Facade is a Being of Pure Manipulation,Cruelty & Is A Psychopathic Bastard,A Deceiver Just Like SATAN! yet You Can't NEVER EVER Know His Next Move As he Is Utterly Unpredictable & Unbeatable

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