The first date

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-Taylor's POV-
Me and Trav began talking even more after we met. We didn't call it a date, just friends meeting up, hanging out. As it got to the end it didn't feel like we were just friends. We kissed and I can't get that out of my mind. I keep worrying that me running away when he tried to kiss me the first time has made him think differently about me. Think I'm not ready for a relationship. I am, I know I am. I just ran away from commitment. Commitment. After Joe that word seems a myth. I was committed, he was committed. And his commitment lasted about a year. After that I knew it was a toxic and controlling relationship, but I was worried about leaving him, I just thought it was a phase, thought every relationship has that stage. When I was with him I had to hide. I'd sprint to cars so nobody saw me, I'd wear masks or id wear hats or hoods to hide my face. I don't want that. I want someone who lets me sparkle, someone who lets me be me. And I don't know. It feels like Travis can give me that.

trav💜💜- hey, can we talk

Did I do something wrong, does he want to tell me that we aren't going to work out and he thinks it's for the best if we go our separate ways. Why am I thinking that?

me- oh yeah of course what is it

trav💜💜- I had lots of fun last night, do you think we could meet again, but this time I could take you out, on a date?

me- you want to take me on a date huh?

He wants to take me on a date. You don't take someone on a date if you don't like them. He must like me! I know we kissed but I just wondered if he kissed me just to cheer me up.

trav💜💜- yes sweetheart I do, hows tomorrow night?

me- perfect babe

Okay I had to call him babe. He called me sweetheart! Just give him the butterflies that I felt.

1 day later—

-Travis's POV-
Its our date today and Taylor will be here any time soon. I can't wait. I just want to be able to go on a date with her, see how she really feels. I know I like her. And I want us to be something more. Again I really can't make her feel uncomfortable, I'm scared she's not ready for a relationship after she got scared last night. She came around towards the end though, and I'm going to try anyway. I want to show her how much I like her, and how good I can be to her. All of a sudden I get a knock on the door. It's her. I instantly brush off any dirt from my suit and go to open the door. I open it to see her wearing a long black dress that goes up to her ankles but there is a slit in the dress that goes all the way up her leg. She is also wearing black sparkly heels and I notice she is also wearing a Kansas chiefs necklace and I can't help but smile. She looks gorgeous.

"You look handsome" she says as she walks in. She beat me to it. "you look stunning" I say repaying the favour as I hug her. "Shall we go" I say and she nods and grabs my hand. I can't help but feel how comfortable we are with eachother. As we walk out to the car, a few paps are there so we let go of each others hands, we don't want to world to know we are dating yet. When we get in the car she grabs my hand again.

"So where are we eating at?" She says as she squeezes my hand. I smile at her as she squeezes my hand. "You'll see" I say and she grins at me. I'm not going to tell her but I booked out her favourite restaurant just for us. I thought it was pretty romantic.

-Taylor's POV-
I wonder where he is taking me. I must admit I'm so excited. He looks so handsome in his suit. The car stops and I try to look out the window to see where we are but he covers my eyes with his hand and I can't help but blush. It's cute how much he cares. He opens the door whilst he continues to cover my eyes. We walk down the path and I squeeze his hand as I'm relying on him to make sure I am going the correct way, he is still covering my eyes.

"nearly there tay" he says which makes me laugh. "We can't be going that far can we" I say and he chuckles and removes his hand off my eyes. He has booked out my favourite Italian restaurant for only us. Everywhere was lit up beautifully but one table was surrounded with rose petals. It is the most romantic thing someone's ever done for me."travis i- this is amazing"
I say because it really is. "I knew you would like it" he says as I turn bright red and he takes my hand and leads me to the table that has rose petals around it. I go to pull out my chair but he already does it for me. Just like he did when I went round for breakfast. He's such a gentleman and I can't help but like him even more. We sit down and I start to look at the menu. "The whole restaurant all for us?" I say still a bit shocked. "Yeah I thought it'd be nice for some peace on our first date, hey" he says and it just makes me like him even more. We begin to look at the menu as the waitor comes over. "What would you like to eat" the waitor says.

Travis orders a lasagna and I order a tomato pasta, they make the best here. "Hey trav" I say smiling. "This is really romantic you know, I don't think any of my other boyfriends ever did something like this for me before" I say and continue to smile. "Well you deserve it! And you consider me as one of your boyfriends hey?!" He says and I instantly realise. "oh my god yes I'm sorry I didn't really think before I spoke" god I hope he doesn't think I'm moving too fast. "Hey no it's cool Taylor honestly" he says and I instantly blush. We finish the food and I really want to ask him if he wants to stay round mine but I don't know if it's too soon, we won't be doing anything, just to sleep. So we can stay with eachother longer. "Hey trav are you busy after this date?" I ask nervously. "No babe I'm all free" he says smiling. "I just wondered if you wanted to stay round" I say and his face instantly lights up and I know I did the right thing. "Really! Of course I would" he says and I smile.

I'm falling in love with this man.

Love. Do i love him?

Oh my god what is happening

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