5, a study date

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When Asher entered the library, Odd was already sitting at one of the tables in the back.

He walked toward him with an admittedly curiously slow pace so as not to have to talk to him too soon for comfort.

But as it is, he eventually did arrive at the table, and (since his conversational partner was Odd Geiger) he had to start the conversation.


Odd waved at him in response.

Ok, this was going to be a but harder then Asher had hoped but sure he could do this.

He sat down on the other chair, just waiting for an epiphany on what to say next.

Maybe he couldn't do this after all.

'What.. do you need help with?'

Odd's voice was different than Asher expected. It was deep and smooth, but his sentences came out in pieces. Like how someone whose first language wasn't english would say things, but he could speak perfect english, he was sure.

'Erm just this recent chapter.. ms. Blackwood really isn't the best at explaining things.. ive.. erm.. ive asked her again to explain it but she's just a bit if a.. well she's not very nice.'

'Yea i get that'

Odd was smiling, chuckeling almost. Asher didnt really understand, he didnt say anything even remotly funny.
Why was he laughing? Why was he even talking to him? Hes never talked before why was he talking to HIM of all people?

'I think.. the book.. here, explains it good.. if you.. just wanna read it again?
I can help you with the.. exercises.'

'That would be nice, thanks'

Odd didnt respond to that, he just gave him a polite smile and started doing some exercise questions himself.

Asher ended up getting through the study date quite good, Odd was right the book did explain it better than his teacher.

It did also help that he had actually initially understood the chapter without many problems, and was just exaggerating his issues in order to secure a rendéz-vous with Odd.

• • •

The rest of the study date went quite well. Asher sat at the table doing some excercised while Odd just sat there watching him? Ok thats a bit wierd.

But lets be real Asher has been watching him since elementary school i guess he deserved to watch back every once in a while.

They also strook up up a couple small conversations while they're there.
Well Asher strikes up a few small conversations and Odd gives short stammered answers.

But when the librarian tells them that they need fo leave and they go their seperate ways Asher cant help but think the date was a full success.

Authors note:
Ive been spending so goddamn much time on tgis part and im not getting any further so its quite short sorry bout that

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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