Fixing a Broken Heart

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It was now the middle of Summer as we see a boy with short spiky blonde hair training. He stopped as he took a breather and went to the nearby lake and splashed water on his face. This young man was Hiroki Mari.

 This young man was Hiroki Mari

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Dorian: You've done well boy. Halfway through and you've already gotten stronger faster than anticipated.

Hiroki: I have....but I know I ain't finished yet.

Dorian: The others and I have been talking for a bit. And we decided that as a reward for your hard work, take a break for a few days.

Hiroki looked surprised by the request.

Hiroki: Wait, is this a test of sorts?

Dorian: I can assure you this isn't one. Go out there in the city, have some fun. It's best to enjoy life while you're still young and full of life.

Hiroki thought about it for a minute and decided that maybe a break for a few days was a good idea.

Hiroki took a shower and then went out into the city and just enjoyed what came of interest. He was currently wearing a pair of jeans, sneakers, a grey V-neck shirt and a jacket. He usually comes down to the city when he needs some food or other cooking stuff as the inmates taught him how to cook.

As he was out he looked over the footage he had gathered over this time and saw just what they've been up to while he was gone. Not surprisingly it's just been nothing but them constantly fucking like rabbits. Even going as far as to have sex in his own bedroom It took a bit of his willpower not to crush his phone with his grip strength. Though he did notice Ayumu wasnt involved much but he paid no mind to it. He noticed how the sun was already down and began to make his way back to the cabin.

While walking he noticed a girl who looked to be around his age. She had long purple hair and beautiful violet eyes. She looked to be wearing a black sweater of sorts that hugged her body showing her hourglass figure. And what he assumed to be D cups. Along with a pair of jeans that really hugged and shaped her rear.

Realizing that he was looking at her a bit longer than he should, he looked away with a blush

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Realizing that he was looking at her a bit longer than he should, he looked away with a blush. Not wanting to look like a pervet or anything. He was about to head another direction until he looked over and saw her get pulled into an alley.

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