Chapter 21 Perl of secrets

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Nylon's pov:

„What do you mean you don't know where they are??" I asked the guards

„Well nylon, we just don't know?" One guard said

„Yeah the last thing we know was that Lloyd was jumping of that window" a other said


Mean while

Nya's pov:

„We lost contact to Lloyd" pix said

I was still with pix and zane while the other ninja were on the ships

„Come back to us Lloyd found her but we lost him" Zane explained

„Alright i heared you clearly everyone else okay?" Kai asked

„I'm fine and i'm on my way" Jay said

„Me too" cole said

„well than take care, lloyd can't be that far away i'm taking the Samurai X suit flying a little bit" i said

„Be carefull" jay said

„Always" i promised

Lloyd's pov:

I woke up, Everywhere sand
I'm on a little island or something

I stand up looking around
I'm out of nowhere alone


I looked around There was a little house it was half destroyed but still it's better than nothing

Wait were is harumi?

I found her she wasn't awake yet
I lift her up and carried her to the house

What am i supposed to do? I think to myself


I was outside the house
It's getting late and cold
so I made a camping fire

„hey?" I heared from behind

I looked up at her
„Heyy" i replied

We didn't move for a minute just looking at each others eyes

„Mind if i sit with you?" She asked
„No go ahead" i said with a smile

„I think I slowly remember things, you are right about nylon" she said

I said nothing

„I think he could have make me loose much more memories" she said looking at the fire

She was right he could have

„I'm just happy you remember more again"
I said

She gave me a smile and than I realized she was shaking

„ you're freezing Come near the the fire" i said

„i look in the hause maybe there is something"
She said ignoring me and stand up going in the house

She come back after a little while with a blanked „look what i found" she said smiling at me and give me one side

It was getting late and i feel how Her head was on my shoulder i looked at her, she was asleep.

„Sleep well princess"
I give her a little kiss on the head


No one's pov:

nya come back
„I didn't found anything it's to dark we should search for him in the morning"

They all agreed and go to bed

Next day

Lloyd's pov:

I woke up seeing harumi laying close to me

I looked up seeing someone

„What are you doing here ....


Garmadon was starring at me and looked then at harumi who still was asleep next to me

„I'm helping you to save the city" he replied

„There is a way" garmadon said
„what?" i asked confused

„Yes there is a perl on this island and i'm trying to find it"

„so With this special perl you can catch people with it"

„Yes you can but you have to be careful there a traps"

I woke up
A dream? What a weird one
It felt so realistic

I stand up looking if in the house was something i could call my friends

„What ate you doing?"
„Wooohaa" harumi you scared me
„I'm trying to send my friend a signal"
„Look there is a mashine or something"
„I can try hold on"


„i got a signal someone is trying to call us" zane said
„That must be Lloyd" kai said

„Hello?? " i said

„Does it work" harumi asked
„We can hear you two loud and clear"pix said

„it's so good to hear you harumi" nya said

„It is?" harumi raised an eyebrow

„Nylon really deleted some memories from her" I explained

„Oh yeah nylon said that but i thought he was just trying to scare us" nya said

„No he did it" i said

„ anyways i had a dream from a perl called „peace of secrets" could it be true?" i asked

„Wait let me check" pix said
„It's true there is a perl called like that but it wasn't found since the last 100 years" pix explained

„I dreamed that it was on the island i am" i said
„Lloyd?" harumi said
„What's wrong?" nya asked
„harumi found a trapdoor" i said

„I will check you coordination" pix said
„we are on our way" zane said

Sorry i didn't updated it earlier
I will finish this book soon
Because i wanted to start new books

See ya in the next Chapter

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