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"YES! ALL OF YOU!" Principal Ford confirmed, his voice echoing. And that's how we ended up in detention on the first day of school.

Classic Alex Fiasco Day.

We are all on the way to dun dun dun the Detention. Things are finally looking uyp for me. I mean had a cool breakfast, rocked at drama today and getting to skip all the classes I mean this rocks. Thank you Food Fight.

As we were all trudging our way to detention, I couldn't help but notice the drama unfolding around me. Jack was shooting daggers at Iris, who was firing them right back, while Justin was deep in a heart-to-heart with Elena. Emma was giving Max a piece of her mind about the live disaster, and Jane was blaming everyone, especially me, for us ending up in this mess and Stephen clearly doesn't care.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?", I asked Stephen.

"What, skipping class ?, well just as much as you are enjoying this", He replied smirking. He's not wrong though I am enjoying this a little too much.

"This is so stupid and unfair!", Jane complianed. " Because of you losers now I got detention", she whined.

"God could you be anymore whiny Foster", I snapped.

"Cool Friends reference AL", Stephen said patting my shoulder.

"I know", I winked and grinned at him, feeling a bit proud of myself.

But Jane wasn't having any of it. "You're walking trouble Moon," she shot back at me.

"Flattered you think so, Foster", I shrugged it off.

"Ugh, shut up!!" Jane retorted. "This mess is all because of you!"

Before things could escalate further, Iris stepped in, pointing fingers at both Jack and Jane.

"You started this," she accused Jane, before turning her gaze to Jack. "And you... you just made it worse."

Jack seemed taken aback. "What? How is this my fault?" he protested.

Iris wasn't having it. "You know exactly why, Jack," she said, her arms crossed and eyes blazing.

I decided to jump in before things got too heated.

"Hey, if it helps, I would've thrown the first punch if Jack hadn't beaten me to it," I offered, raising my hands in surrender.

Iris shot me a warning look, and I quickly added, "Just saying."

She turned back to Jack, furious. "Seriously, why did you even hit him?" she demanded, She wasn't gonna back down.

"I punched him 'cause he had it coming, Iris," Jack fired back, his tone firm and sure. He wasn"t gonna back down either.

"Are you serious? Is he serious? He had it coming? What did he even do?" Iris exclaimed, clearly losing her patience.

"He was flirting with my girlfriend, Iris. Yes, he had it coming," Jack shot back, his glare intense.

Iris was speechless, not knowing what to say in response. The tension between them hung in the air, filling the moment with silence.

Thankfully, the professor called us in, bringing an end to the standoff and providing a much-needed break distraction.

We walked in and found our assigned seats with cards already there. The professor gave us some papers to work on. "You'll stay here until your first class is over," he said before leaving.

"Seriously?!" Iris groaned, clearly annoyed. I couldn't tell if she was mad about Jack punching the guy or just missing class. It was a head-scratcher.

We sat down, exchanging glances. I ended up next to Jane, while everyone else seemed happy with their partners.

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