Ultimate Moves!

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(Authors note): before we do the fight between Bakugou and Izuku I want Izuku to have more power, Also I forgot some of the storyline so ima just wing it like I have been doing the whole story. Also Unluckyperson3 is the goat for recommending me so many idea's, If you see his commenting say thank you :)


I walk into class and sit down with my bookbag mainly for carrying around all the work, They make you hero's but the School work is extremely hard. No problem for me since I'm above college level Heh. It's been 1 week and a half since school started and I'm getting the hand of it. I still haven't socialized one bit, The only real person I talk to is my mom and Uraraka which sometimes is rare. But it's ok I like some peace and quiet most of the time.

My train of thought was broken when the homeless caterpillar stood up, "Today we will be training our quirk's to the fullest for special moves" (Remember I don't remember the storyline but I will make it good don't worry :D) Everyone in the room shouted a "Yeah!", Heck even I joined in. We all head to the locker room's and change to our hero suits since they provide us more options with out quirk's. I myself really went with a normal shirt and pants with running shoes because my quirk could evolve into anything in the future, Gotta keep it simple.

We make our way into the huge ass building and see Cementoss on the sidelines with a bunch of other Ectoplasms? oh wait there just his clones. I guess there here to help "Remember we are TRAINING, No messing around" Hobo say's getting bag into his sleeping bag" Everyone walks up to a random ectoplasm for guidance, And so do I. "Ok Midoriya what is your quirk?" He ask's, "Upgrader, I can spin a wheel every month and add new addons to what I have already, I also have more things but they are irrelevant for fighting" I state not finished "But on the other hand I can also merge the ones a get still keeping the same properties of it before it was merged and also making a new quirk in the process, Did you get all that?" I ask "That's a pretty cool quirk, What do you have so far?" He ask's.

"So far I have manipulation, telekinesis and flight" I respond back, "Hmmm and what does manipulation do? He responds thinking of something for me to do with it. "it can manipulate anything other than humans and animals, Also only one thing at a time no drawbacks." I say back to his question. "Try manipulating the temperature around you, Or wait... Time is a element and manipulation can do anything but humans and animals... Oh my god, Izuku I want you to try to manipulate time" He say's thinking he's onto something.

I realize what he's saying getting a little excited thinking I might be able to slow down time. I focus my mind and think of a flowing river slowly restricting the waves until it stop's. I open my eyes to see everyone frozen, But that only lasted a 30 seconds and everyone was back to moving when I was extremely tired. Ectoplasm saw that I instantly disappeared and turned around to see me hunching over almost lifeless. "You did it kid, How long was it?" He asks wanting to know groundbreaking news. "30 seconds" I mumble out before collapsing. Thankfully, Recovery girl was on the sidelines as well, Before I could pass out she healed me.

"That's one hell of a move you just created" I say to the teacher remembering the other thing about temperature. "I think ill call it Halt, Because I halt time and it's fancier than stop. Oh also let me try out that temperature thing you mentioned earlier" I say not letting him say anything nor recovery girl. I think of the temperature around me, I picture someone putting water in the freezer watching it bit by bit freeze. I feel the ice start to form around my body and floor then I switched to thinking of the ice cube be left into the desert, Immediately the frost went up into blue flames scorching the concrete. "I think I'll call that Frost Fire Flash" I say grinning at my new two moves.


I hear a ping noise while I was in bed watching tv until dinner time, I look to see that it's my quirk again. "You have completed monthly quest, Gain 2 ultimate moves. You have earned the addon recovery and will also be rewarded with 1000 shards" I read it surprised that I can gain something other than shards. I guess monthly quests and above give me more than shards, But wait... 1000?! SHARDS? dang I can buy a lot with that. But first let's merge manipulation with recovery, Error it says. What why?! speaking to no one hoping it'll respond. "For the merge factor to work, You must have a already fused addon to fuse it with another addon" It says, Oh I guess that makes sense getting back to the tv forgetting about the shards.

Welp another chapter complete, Recovery was recommended by unluckyperson3. I added my own spins to it though. Recovery's drawback is that you can't use any quirk for a minute so it's a last resort. And if anybody's confused about the merge thing, Basically ill do a little math.

Merge: 1 + 1 = fused quirk

Error:  2 + 1 = error

Merge: 2 + 2 = Fused quirk

That's basically it, To fuse with each other they must have the same value. Also im still open for suggestions!

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