Chapter 2: Bathrobe

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As Clara watched the Doctor undress, she noticed that she still had the metallic object in her robe pocket. She immediately took it out and started playing with it. She noticed a button on the side and pressed it. [buzz!!] Clara dropped the sonic and it rolled on the floor. As she dropped it, the shower stopped, and the Doctor came out of the bathroom, sobbing wet. The steam poured out from the door, and his body shined. He was soaking wet, and barely had time to wrap the towel around himself.

"Where did you get that?" he said

"It was laying out in the street, by that blue box." she answered. "What is it?"

"It's my sonic screwdriver!" he screamed, like a little kid. He stomped over to it like a kid who had just received a time-out. He was barely able to hold up his towel.

"You named your flashlight?" she giggled. He looked very offended. "It is NOT a flashlight. It is a highly valuable piece of sonic technology!" he replied.

"Well whatever it is, it seemed to get you out of the shower pretty quick. Are you sure you don't have some sort of romantic connection with it?" Clara said while picking the sonic back up and playing with it like a toy. The Doctor snatched it from her hands and examined it as if she might've replaced it with a replica. He even licked it, although he made it look like he'd licked it a thousand times before.

"So where did you even come from?" asked Clara. The Doctor looked at her funny. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me." Clara said, with her chin raised towards him. "I'm a very understanding person."

"I am a child of Gallifrey, in the constellation of Kasterborous. I am the last of my people and I travel through time and space in that blue box you saw out there. I just came from 17th century Venice, I was running away from the townspeople and my shields lost power and I crashed here. My planet was destroyed in the Time War, and burnt like the Earth does in the year 5 billion." he stated.

"I've always wanted to go to Venice!" Clara jumped up and down. "Can you take me there sometime, when your box is fixed?"

The Doctor was speechless. "Did you hear any of what I said? Did I mention the two hearts?"

"Of course I heard you, I'm not deaf." Clara laughed. "Sooo can we go to Venice?"

The Doctor looked at Clara like she was a new type of alien, but started to smile. They both looked at each other intently, as if they both knew what the other was thinking —— whatever that is —— in the moment. The Doctors towel he had tied around his waist earlier began to slip off until it hit the floor. Clara's glance quickly went from his eyes to his other sonic.

"My towel isn't on me anymore. Is it." The Doctor muttered.

"Nope." Clara giggled, as she handed him her baby blue bathrobe. "Try this on." as the Doctor quickly turned around showing his backside to Clara. He threw on the robe, which was 3 sizes too small on him, and went down to his above his knees.

"I think this is going to be your new look. It really brings out your butt." Clara said while laughing. She nearly fell over.

"This is not going to be permanent. Once I fix my TARDIS, I'll be able to find something in my wardrobe to wear." said the Doctor.

"You have a wardrobe in there? Where do you have room to hang the clothes?" Clara asked as if she was interrogating him.

"Oh you'll see." he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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