Chapter Two

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Its been two months since Dean found out about his daughter and he was as happy and worried as ever. he was happy to finally have a child of his own but he constantly worried for her safety. Demons and other monsters were constantly after the Winchester brothers and once they found out that the oldest Winchester had a child they would make her their next target. With this in mind the boys devised a system were one of them stays back at the hotel with Mary while the other two went on the hunt. he didn't happen like this all the time though. On some hunts Castiel had to leave on important business and couldn't stay with the child so Dean and Sam ended up taking her with them. they had a baby harness that hung in the front and either Sam or Dean would take extra caution. Mary was the best baby in the world, she only ever cried when she saw demons or any other monster. It was like she knew that they were evil and that might scare her but she would stop with the shouting as soon as the beast was put down. Mary never woke up crying in the middle of the night, and never did make a sound when a gun was being fired or for any sound a normal baby would cry at. Today was no different. Dean sat on his bed with the growing child in his lap. He had the crappy hotel television on to the Teletubbies , some weird kid show that he thought Mary would enjoy but creeped him out to no end. "Sam how do you kill a Teletubbie?" Dean asked his brother who sat at a table working on his laptop. "Dean Teletubbies arn't dangerous. If you don't like it just change the channel. Its not like she will remember any of this, shes barley two months old." Dean looked at his brother with happiness. why had that never occurred to him, he will never know. it didnt take long for him to find a movie he enjoyed.

Sam had been doing research on the current suicides in the town of Crowley,Louisiana. They thought it could be a vengeful spirit killing people or something causing people to become suicidal after watching a movie at Rice Theater. All five victims had watched the same movie before killing them selves in the exact same way. Each were well off happy people, with a loving family and kids and never committed a serious crime. Sams great idea was to go watch the movie and see what happens, Dean didn't like that idea much but they had no other choice. Dean put Mary in her car seat and took her out to the impala with Sam close behind. Dean set the car seat in between him and his kid brother, after starting the impala Dean drove off to the 2:00 showing of Last Chance.

When they parked in the parking lot both Sam and Dean went for the trunk of the impala. Sam had Mary in her car seat as Dean went through the trunk looking for the necessary items they would need to defend them selves against a ghost. Dean would grab a thing of salt and put it in the poke-a-dot dipper bag that also had a salt shot gun and both silver and iron knifes and dippers, along with other baby changing equipment. It wouldn't be hard to sneak in any of this into the the low security theater. Sam handed the baby off to Dean and took the dipper bag as they walked through the movie theaters small parking lot. They entered to the building and purchased their tickets to the murderess movie. Sam bought a small deal of popcorn and two drinks one for him and the other for Dean, plus a random bag of skittles.

Sam rejoined Dean and Mary in the small theater that could sit no more then a hundred people, if that. Dean sat at the end of the row so he could set the car seat at the end and hold the child in his lap for the movie. He gladly excepted the drink from his brother and when the movie started he traded his daughter for the popcorn Sam was holding. Mary had fallen asleep in her uncles arms for most of the movie only waking up when she got passed off to Dean. For the most part the movie seemed like any other movie, that is till the end when a girl came out of the screen. everyone seemed to act like it was all apart of the movie, but upon a second look Dean found everyone frozen in time, every one except him and Mary. Even Sam seemed to be captured in time. Dean fixed his eyes on the pale ghost is a ripped up black dress. He watched as she went thought the audience and touched certain peoples heads. Dean new he had to react but found him self unable. All he could do was move his head slightly but upon looking around he saw everyone's eyes were closed. He found this odd and looked down at his now awake baby and found her looking up at him. He closed his eyes in that instant as if she told him often like Cas would when he would smite demons with his true form. he opened them up after a minute or two to find everyone okay and moving around. Dean looked at Mary and realized that she had killed her first ghost with angel powers. " Dean, what happened?" Sam asked and Dean found it hard to explain to his brother what he just witnessed. does he tell his brother that Mary, a two month old baby, saved and entire theater with angel light or does he say he killed the ghost and everything is okay again?

Dean decided to wait till they go back on the road to tell same what happened in the town of Crowley, Louisiana

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