Meeting Leighton

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Leighton is sat in the common room alone on a Saturday morning. Most students are hungover, so she takes the opportunity to enjoy some peace and quiet. She hears the faint sound of boots in the hallways, and silently prays they're not on their way into the common room

But of course, they are

The blonde briefly looks up from her phone to be met with a smart looking girl. She is wearing a low-cut dark purple shirt paired with a black skirt, showing off her smooth legs. She sees the boots she made note of earlier, noticing how they add around 2 inches to the mysterious girls' height. Leighton is surprised anyone else is up at this time, especially since the girl is wide eyed and vivacious- it peaks her interest, but she keeps her usual unbothered expression as the two make eye contact

Instead of the usual look of admiration Leighton is used to getting when meeting a new person, the girl just looks her up and down, seemingly checking her out but Leighton can't decide whether the look was good or bad. As the student turns around to the face the counter, Leighton speaks up

"Why don't I know you?"

She keeps her back turned to the blonde. "I don't live in this dorm, I was visiting a friend"

Only a minute passes before Leighton talks again. "What's your name then?"

"y/n," she turns around to face her now, leaning her elbows behind her on the counter and raises her eyebrows. "Yours?"

"Leighton," shes probably just another weird lonely student, and Leighton doesn't want to waste any more time on those sorts of people. Her tone is sharp. She expects, as usual, for the other person to feel belittled and realise Leighton is above them, but this encounter is different. Instead of showing intimidation, this 'y/n' girl was just ignoring Leighton, like she was just another student. Who does she think she is?

"So what do you call this fashion style? Cheap? Disgusting?" Says Leighton, looking at her judgementally. She couldn't accept her confidence, she had to make this girl see who was the most important person at Essex college. Y/n continues to lean back on the counter, analysing this massively narcissistic new girl she has just had the pleasure of meeting. She has the upper hand- Leighton is sitting down, and y/n takes the opportunity to look down on her whilst keeping her face neutral. "Can't handle criticism sweetheart?" Says Leighton

She rolls her eyes back in response, clearly done with her bullshit. Y/n turns back around to resume making her drink

"Aren't you a fragile little thing~" her tone is condescending, as if she were a teacher scolding a small child. "I'm not fragile, I just don't feel the need to put up with your pathetic attempt at degrading me," she pauses and spins around, "thanks." Y/n smirks as she stares down at the blonde

"Well you're still here, aren't you? Sounds to me like you're still willing to put up with this, 'y/n'"

"Your little act might work on others honey, but I quite frankly don't care for it"

Leightons eyebrows raise from both shock and amazement. This girl was interesting, she wasn't some other pathetic loser- she was a challenge. "So you think you're strong, and that you can stick up for yourself?... You know what I don't like about you?"

"Oh please tell me, I'd love to have your opinion," she says sarcastically

Leighton shrugs at her sarcasm. "I don't like how you're not even a little insulted or intimidated by how I'm treating you." It sounds like an insult towards y/n, and that is definitely what Leighton wishes to achieve, but it also sounds almost... impressed? Her gaze lingers on the girl, now back to leaning on the counter

"Aww, are you used to being able to degrade others? I'm am so so sorry I'm not crumbling at your words," there are obvious hints of sarcasm and condescension, but not hatred. Instead of loathing this new girl for her choice of words, Leighton actually admires her. Her ever growing smirk now turns into a genuine smile.

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