Meeting Leighton Continued

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"Wanna take this back to my room?" y/n pulls away to say, Leighton nods quickly, seeming a little desperate. Well, she was- but y/n didn't have to know that

Y/n grabs her hand and pulls her away from the wall. Her room is only in the building next to them; after a minute of dragging Leighton behind her, her bedroom door flings open, quickly shutting again as Leighton strides in. Immediately, she is pinned against the back of the wall, now by her hip instead of her neck. Y/n has placed a firm grasp now higher up her body- on her waist

And as if no time had passed, they continue to kiss. Leighton expected civilised, small kisses from the girl, but this was certainly not the case with y/n. Her kisses were desperate, hungry even, as if she needed Leighton on a higher level. It was clear who was in charge here

Leighton submitted to the movement of y/n's lips, submitting once more when she feels her tongue swipe her bottom lip. As soon as she's allowed, y/n shoves her tongue into Leightons mouth, not even fighting for dominance as Leighton already accepted her role in their make-out. Their bodies both warm up from the intensity of their exchange; Leighton jerks her head back into the door to take a breather, aching to bring her lips back to where y/n needs them most right now- but y/n had other plans

She sees the taller girl breath heavily, and uses this break to go further with Leighton. She feels lip gloss smearing down her face as the girl kisses her cheek, to her jaw, then neck. A hand wraps around one side of Leighton's neck, the other side getting attention from y/n's soft, warm lips. Each kiss, growing in passion, moves Leighton's body back into the door, causing a faint banging sound

Leighton's gone long enough without connecting to y/ns lips: she grabs her neck, forcing her to stop kissing her and look up, and without breaking eye contact, Leighton spins them both around- y/n's back slams vigorously into the door. She stares up at Leighton, lips parted from her unexpected liking to being dominated. A hand slides around her body, finding its destination at y/n's lower back before slowly slipping against her skin to rest under her shirt

A soft moan escapes her lips in response 

Their lips attach again, but Leighton was now in control. It was y/n's turn to get flustered and flushed- and Leighton had a plan

Suddenly, she pulls away from the intense kiss and guides y/n towards her bed, pushing her down from her shoulders. Y/n is sat, staring up and observing Leightons next move and to her surprise, Leighton starts to walk backwards. Leighton admires the view, impressed with herself for being brought back to such a hot girls room. As she looks her up and down, she speaks up in a seductive tone, "the shirt, take it off," it's a demand

Y/n decides to go along with Leighton's attempt at dominating her, but still having some fun with the girl as she slowly lifts her shirt, teasing Leighton. Once it's finally off and thrown to the ground, Leighton makes her move cautiously, taking in every part of the girl sat on the bed. Once she's close enough, Leighton leans down to be in y/n's face; she smirks, oh the things she was going to do-

"I'm so glad you followed me," whispers y/n

"By the time I leave, you'll be glad I did a lot of things."

Without wasting a second more, Leightons hands wrap around the girls back and waist, leaning her down parallel to the bed but she isn't laying just yet- Leighton holds her up. A hasty kiss meets y/n's lips and she shivers as Leightons soft hands start to make their way down y/n's chest, stopping at her bra. Slowly, she slides around the back and starts to unclip the bra, letting it fall onto the bed. The pause only lasts a few seconds, but its long enough for Leighton to get a good view of what she's working with. Y/n's body finally falls back into the bed whilst Leightons hands find their way back to her breasts

She squeezes and grips. "God you feel so good," she lets out between kisses and quick breaths. Leighton kisses y/n all over, leaving a trail from her mouth, down to her chest and breasts. As she takes her nipple in her mouth, Leighton eyes move up to see the girl watching her and breathing heavily- she smiles against her body and looks back down to concentrate on making y/n feel as good as she can

Y/n is lost in the moment, staring up at the ceiling and moaning softly at each lick and touch she can feel against her body. She's brought back to her room as she feels a hand up her skirt and massaging her thighs: she looks down to see Leighton watching her, not going further up her thigh. Y/n assumes this is her way of asking- she bites her lip and looks back up to the ceiling, letting Leighton use her body as she wishes

Leighton is relieved. Her hand slips up further and further till she is met with the fabric covering where she desires to be. A finger arches around the strap and pulls it down swiftly- she can't wait any longer

With her underwear around her ankles, y/n's back unexpectedly arches as a circling motion starts to grind against her clit

Leighton had clearly done this before

It's already too much for y/n to handle, she's loosing her breath and moaning, but Leighton now has the desperate urge to take her over the edge. One of Leightons fingers slips into y/n, and with that y/n gasps, giving Leighton the confidence to submerge another finger into the girl. She's moving fast, in need of approval for her work, and arching her fingers inside as she goes whilst going back up with the other hand to play with y/n's tender breasts. The overstimulation of her body makes y/n's vision start to go blurry and white- she covers her mouth, knowing how thin the walls are at this college as she moans

Leighton sees and goes a little gentler on y/n, letting her enjoy every part of her orgasm. Not wanting to leave the warmth and wetness of y/n, Leighton's fingers remain partly inside of her as she leans her arm against the bed next to y/n, kissing her on the lips once lightly, then again harder, forgetting how desperate she was for this girls kisses once 

Y/n cups Leightons face and starts to sit up, causing Leighton to finally pull out

"Thank you for that," she holds her face in her hands, their faces close and both red from the gained heat in the room. "My pleasure," Leighton quickly kisses y/n's forehead, wipes her fingers in a tissue, then reaches for the door handle to leave. Before she does, she looks back to y/n, who is extremely out of breath, and says, "I'll see you around, y/n," then winks as she glides confidently out of the room

She whispers to herself

"I really hope so"

(Thoughts? Please give constructive criticism if you have any!)

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