Chapter 122: Children of the Mountain God (14)

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  The world consciousness did not expect to admit this "setting" as it should be, but it was defeated.

  On this copy, he has tried his best not to give the other party any chance.

  From amnesia, to a character with no power, to finding ways to make him

  He has already done this, yet it still doesn't work.

  The world consciousness looks towards that group of players.

  [It's true that there is more than enough success and more than failure. 】

  Even after giving so many hints, you still lost? So completely.

  This group of people is still studying methods to fight against the battle wheel.

  Just stupid.

  The real battle had ended at that moment.

  Seeing that the Centrifugal Arrow was useless, Yan Yuanyi could only grit his teeth and retreat, while continuing to look for props in the Points Mall.

  After knowing that there were huge points, everyone pinned their hopes on props.

  They believe that there will be props that can deal with these small bosses.

  "Tsk, why is it so sudden? It's like being injected with chicken blood!"

  "It seems that no harm can be done now. Do you know what's going on?"

  "Except Bai Sang is here, nothing has changed? Ah."

  This group of little bosses suddenly became difficult to deal with. If I had to use a metaphor, they were just like boys who wanted to show off in front of their sweetheart.

  To put it simply, it's like a high school student playing basketball who sees his favorite person passing by and doing a cool three-step layup.

  Although it is very naive, this is their intuitive feeling now.

  Yan Yuanyi snorted coldly, "How is it possible that it can't cause harm? It's just that you didn't use the right weapons."

  "If there is a centrifugal arrow, there will be a second one, and there will be various other props!"

  [You guys rely too much on props. 】

  The copy's faintly angry voice came to my ears.

  Yan Yuanyi stopped searching and said, "W-what do you mean?"

  The copy is too lazy? Communicate with them again.

  The consciousness of the world seems to be sighing and mocking: [On the one hand, there is no power and has found a loophole in the rules. One side has an overwhelming number of people and absolute tools, but the result is like this... Humph. 】

  Yan Yuanyi seemed to sneer after realizing the copy.

  This was the first time that the copy spoke in an unfair manner, almost as if it was conscious.

  [Forget it, I expected it anyway. 】

  Yan Yuanyi's face turned pale.

  What did you expect?

  Did you expect that they would definitely fail?

  In the eyes of the dungeon, Bai Sang and the others were so powerful that they turned against them one-sidedly, and now they directly declared their failure!

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