1 | Father

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(A/N; Special thanks to qadlock for making the book cover. It's amazing. In this story, Jack has a son. And I'm not going to give a lot away so that's all. lol)


Wedding day.

No, not Erik's but for his cousin.

Erik could care less about the wedding. Everything was covered in white and pink. Tall cakes and desserts stood on a table. A forty-four-year-old Jack Frost stood in front of the microphone, getting ready to give a speech about his cousin's wedding.

But Erik wasn't even going to listen to his father's speech. No, he had other plans. He ran a hand through his spikey white hair. Some strands are noticably brown. That's because he dyed them white.

His other hand was occupied, holding anothers'. Erik quickly led the girl to a bathroom stall and pushed her against the wall, immediately brushing his lips against her neck. But honestly, he could care less about this girl.

The girl pushed him back slightly and breathes, "Someone might-"

"I don't care." He interjects and quickly starts kissing her neck once again.

Oblivious to the door opening, an elderly man with a cane comes into the bathroom. The man doesn't hesitate for a second and starts screaming, "Hey!! What the hell do you think you're doing!? Get out!"

The man pauses for a mere second and gets a good look at Erik's face, "Erik? Y-Y--I'm going to tell you're father about this! Get out!"

The elderly man starts swinging his cane rapidly in the air. Erik takes this chance to escape, fixing his gray blazer and blue neck tie along the way. They both ran back to the wedding. Jack was still giving out his speech. Erik looks behind him, still noticing the cane-man chasing him. But Erik wasn't looking where he was going. He ran into the table of desserts and falls with the table in the process.

Chocolate cake on his suit. Messy hair. A smug smile plastered on his face. All the attention was on Erik who was sitting on the floor, proud of his recent achievements.

Jack squinted his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows at his son, "Erik?"


"Erik! Erik! What the hell is going on with your head?"

Jack walks behind him as Erik walks away putting one ear bud in an ear.

"I was bored, okay? It's not a big deal." Erik says blankly.

"No big deal? You ruined you're cousin's wedding!" Jack grabs his son's shoulder making Erik face him, "What do I have to do to make you shape up? You're always absent at school so basicly you don't learn. What do you want, Erik?"

"Try getting out of my life." Erik says annoyingly.

Jack pauses for a moment, "Since you're mom has been gone, all you brought was trouble. Is that how it's going to be every single day? What's the problem?"

"That's it, dad. You don't know the problem 'cause you're always gone. You're always doing something else."

"I've been working. It's for you're own good. So, tell me." Jack demands.

"You want the truth? Hm? I don't want to be with you." Erik points, "I want to be with my mom but guess what? I'm cursed because I'm stuck with you!" He says with venom in every word.

"What did I do?" Jack asks.

"Who's Elsa?"

"Your mom?"

"No. The other Elsa."

Jack's eyes widen.

But Erik keeps going, "Is mom really the only person you loved?"

Jack furrows his eyebrows, "Yes. You have no idea how much I loved both you and your mom."

Erik scoffs, "You're right. I have no idea. Because we never felt your love at all. You never showed us."


"It should've been you who died." Erik says.


"You don't mean that, right?" Jack says sadly.

"Whatever." Erik runs a hand through his hair and puts the second ear bud in, walking away.

Jack stood there. His heart was crushed by his own son. It felt so horribly painful, and even after the initial shock wears off, there's a twinge that comes back once in a while.



Jack and his son, Erik, aren't really on good terms. Plus, who's the other Elsa? Who's Erik's mom or who did Jack marry?

Well, you'll discover that in a while.

See you.


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