-15- First Offer

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Eliot awoke to hurried footsteps traversing the basement stairs. He shot his eyes open scrambling up from where he had been curled up on the hard, concrete floor. His body felt sore from the uneven sleeping place but he tried to ignore it at Luis emerged at the bottom of the staircase.

"I need your opinion" Luis panted out of breath, he had his burner phone in one hand that he'd clearly recently been using.

Shocked by this sudden revelation Eliot nodded awaiting what Luis needed his opinion on, he wasn't used to people actually caring what he had to say so this was a nice change of pace.

"1000 euros, that's their first offer for your safe return" Luis informed him quietly. Eliot felt his heart sink, was that all he was worth?

"Did- Did my dad speak to you?" Eliot questioned nervously.

"No, it was La poli... police, cops, whatever you call them, it was an offer from them, your dad still hasn't done anything" Luis answered hastily.

"Oh" Eliot replied looking at the ground biting his lip. So much for blood being thick.

"I'm gonna negotiate higher, but if you really want me to take this offer I can? It wouldn't be life changing for me but it'd set me up for at least another... I think 2 months in this house" Luis explained.

"Don't accept it, I want to stay here" Eliot answered instantly, he'd already made his kind up and he wasn't gonna leave.

"Okay" Luis answered clearly holding something back. Eliot cocked his head expectantly making Luis sigh nodding in resignation.

"If I'm gonna negotiate for a higher offer, I need to prove you're still alive but in danger, preferably injured" Luis whispered out.

Without hesitation Eliot nodded "Do it" he told Luis firmly "get it over with, now"

"Eliot... This- this isn't right, you shouldn't just be- be willing to let me.., you know" Luis said looking ashamed.

"I don't care" Eliot retorted stonily taking his t-shirt off. Luis sighed again as Eliot then dropped his pants stepping out of them then holding his wrists out to Luis to tie up.

Luis reluctantly crouched down fetching some rope out of one of the cardboard boxes then tying Eliots wrists up. Eliot noticed with appreciation it was less rough this time, the knots were more loose.

Gesturing for Eliot to lie down Luis began working on his ankles, Eliot dropped gracefully to the floor feeling the ice cold stone on his bare skin. He wasn't looking forward to this in the slightest. It felt like a dagger to the heart every time Luis shouted at him, was drunk around him, but especially when he was hurting him. It had to be done though, he'd made a promise and he wasn't about to break it so soon.

Hesitantly Luis struck out striking Eliots chest, Eliot yelped in pain making Luis stagger back in worry.

"Sorry" they both simultaneously blurted out followed by an awkward silence.

"Keep going, I'll try stay quiet" Eliot whispered out biting his lip and squeezing his eyes tightly shut as tears formed in the circular brown orbs.

Luis hit out again once again striking Eliots chest, then a sharp kick to his shin. Eliot winced biting down harder on his lip as his already sore body began to throb in pain. Eliot let out another strangled yelp as Luis fist connected with his ribs.

Trying to ignore the cries of hurt as best he could Luis continued the beating guiltily striking Eliot until his pale body was sufficiently littered in harsh brown and blue bruises.

Whimpering in pain Eliot opened his eyes the tears flowing freely now, Luis looked away unable to meet Eliots gaze as he produced that days newspaper. Quickly putting a black glove on his hand Luis held the newspaper out snapping a picture of it with Eliot in frame.

Once this was done the Spaniard wasted no time in rushing to Eliots side untying him quickly then stepping back. Eliot groaned in pain standing up slowly. He wanted a hug right now, he needed Luis to reassure him it was okay, but the raven haired boy did no such thing.

Wracked with guilt Luis turned head on heels bounding up the stairs two at a time leaving Eliot alone and vulnerable in the basement. Not bothering to get changed Eliot sat on the wooden chair trying to control his sped up breathing.

He felt truly sick to his stomach in that moment, the person he loved had beaten him up. It felt so horrible, but conflicted at the same time. He knew it was necessary for Luis to get that ransom higher. He knew it might even have to happen a few more times.

Not ready to even think about the process repeating itself Eliot stood up pulling his clothes back on slowly as his body cried out in pain at his every movement. Glancing up the basement stairs more tears welled up in Eliots soft brown eyes. All he wanted was a hug. Just a simple, quick hug to tell him it was okay. Luis never emerged though. It was deathly silent upstairs.

Despite the absolute noiselessness Eliot knew exactly what was happening up there, he knew can after can of beer was being downed by Luis right now to cope with what he'd just done, it was how the raven haired boy coped.

Now fully clothed Eliot plopped himself back on the chair allowing his aching body some respite. He'd hopefully see Luis again that day at a meal time. Maybe even get a hug or some kind of apology then, something just to reassure him everything was fine.

Thinking briefly about home Eliot weighed up his options. If he was home right now none of this would be happening, no. He deserved it. Luis was in the right here. He needed that money, Eliot was a spoilt privileged rich kid who needed to be thrown from his pedestal. This was right. Luis was only doing what he had to, what needed to be done.

With this knowledge in mind Eliot sat in silence, waiting patiently for the basement door to click open again.

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