🤍death of the one we love💔(14)part 1

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*November 30th*

Tatsuya: Where were you both?

Aki: we went out....to find hana

Tatsuya: Why? It's dangerous put there...and hana would've hurt you as well, so please don't ever leave like that,

Aki: All right, we wont..I promise..

Tatsuya: Good, how about you both go to the garden to play

Aki: ok, let's go, Ankoku!...
*December 19th*


Hina: We're running out of time, aren't we...Izumi

Izumi: Yeah, we are...

Akio: What?

Aven:.....we have to get ready for the war

Zen: Yeah

Bella:...why are we fighting in the war?

Aven: Because we can

Hina: And bo one can stop us even though where somewhat young...

Akio: I'm pretty sure 15 is young

Hina: it's half of 20

Izumi: That doesn't really make it any better

Hina: Yes, it does!

Miyo: No, it really isn't. Yeah, in like 5 years, you will be 20, but you're still 15

Bella: izumi said 3 or who knows how long about it that there was going to be a war

Kaito; and now there's a is like a week left until then

Izumi: mhm

* Between life and death, there is always a winning team and a losing team*
*December 23rd*

Miyo:...izanagi....please...tell me why

Izanagi: What should I tell you

Miyo: Why betray us..why do this every one misses you everyone thought you were dead....zen misses you

Izanagi: You think I care about that!! That people missed me because I doubt that!

Miyo: they do... our family misses you.

Izanagi:... misses me...."ME!!!"
(Izanagi laughs*. You're going to die....your foot is broken, and you're bleeding from your head, so....what are you going to d-

(At that moment, Bella comes and attacks Izanagi)

Izanagi: !?

Izanagi:...(pov: my arm it's gone...wh-who was tha-)


Izanagi: So you're that Bella gril Miyuki took in....gave her food a shelter.. mhmm and-

Bella:...shut it....(bellas light brown was filled with anger and hatred)

Izanagi: *laughs* You think you can kill me!!

Izanagi: ...your nothing, you're weak!¡!

Izanagi: You may be called the child of time, but you are just a brat....a run away one! You shouldn't stay with your worthless of a family!

Bella: Shut up!!

Izanagi: Oh, what was that?

Bella: I said, "Shut up." You hs e no right to talk that way... you came back to live after you were buried, and now you're hurting your family, your cousin

Izanagi: Oh, so you think you're strong!!
*Izanagi attacks Bella*
*Izanagi and Bella fought and fought. Soon, bellas fate was coming true... but..*
-------------------------------------------------------------* As war went on, Izumi felt something that wasn't right*
Izumi: Huh?


Izumi: You felt it too, didn't you..

Mui: Yeah, I did...it's weird,almost as if..

Izumi: Are you?

*mui runs off*

Izumi: mui?!

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