14 ✨💕💋

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(Day: 2)

No one pov:
It was 9:00 am and the adults wanted to go to breakfast, though Izuku and Katsuki were still sleeping. Inko walked over to the boy's door, knocking on it, though receiving no response. With the click of the handle twisting open, she peeked her head in the doorway.

"Izuku, Katsuki, time to get up!" She said softly, though neither one of the budged.

"Guys! Up, up now." She said again, turning in the light, still no response.

"Goodness gracious." She sighed to herself, walking in the room and tapping Izuku's shoulder.

"Mnn?" He groaned, not peeking his head up from the crook of Katsuki's neck who still hasn't woke.

"It's just me, me Mitsuki and Masaru want to go to breakfast, the spa, and a cool mall we were told about, would either of you like to come?" Inko questioned softly.

"Nm, no thanks." Izuku mumbled back.

"Ok, well it's 9:00 am right now. We should be back around 6:00 pm, we also wanted to give you guys some time to relax and hang out together today." Inko said, caressing her songs green locks.

"Alright, that's fine." Izuku grumbled.

"Okay, love you." The green short woman whispered, walking out of the room and turning the lights off.

Izuku pov:
As soon as I was almost fallen asleep, again, I heard the ringtone of a Snapchat call ringing.

"Oh my god." I whined, turning away from Kacchan and picking my phone up from the bedside table.

I squinted at my phone, as the brightness was all the way up, shining in my face. I turned it down before seeing who was calling, exiting out of the brightness settings, I read 'Mina' at the top of my phone with a pick up or decline button. Groaning, I hit the answer button.

(Over the phone)
"Hi?" I groaned, yawing and rubbing my eyes.

"Awe, looks like someone is sleepy! Anyway, what are you guys doing today? Me and Tsu ended up getting our own room cuz we didn't want to be with the bitch Ochaco anymore, so we kinda just bought new plane tickets and a new room lol." Mina explained.

"Oh! Fun, me and Kacchan aren't really doing anything today. Our parents went somewhere and are gone for like the whole day. Why?" I asked, Kacchan turning my way and hugged me.

Oh really!! You guys should come hang out! Unless you to wanna fuck since your parents are out, totally understandable." Mina suggested, a smirk creeping up on her lips.

"Mina!" I yelled, accidentally waking Kacchan up.

"Why the fuck are you yelling?!" Kacchan grumbled, raising his head up and looking at me with half lidded eyes.

"Oh, sorry Kacchan!" I chuckled as he glared at me, turning his head to look at the phone.

"What the fuck!? Why are you on the phone with this pink lady so early in the morning?!" He groaned, resting his head back down next to my shoulder.

"Well good morning to you to Katsuki!" Mina laughed as Kacchan gave her the middle finger.

"But yeah we will be there in a few! See you then!" I said, hanging up the phone.

(Off the phone)

"Common Kacchan! Let's go!" I exclaimed, jumping out of bed and picking up Kacchan, running out of the suite.

"HA?!" He yelled, trying to get out of my grasp but failing.

I ran over to Mina and Tsu's new room that was conveniently right down the hall, Kacchan over my shoulder kicking and hitting the air like an actual baby. Knocking on the door, Tsu came running from the other side, opening the door snd welcoming both me and Kacchan into to they're suite.

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