019||Levi Colwill

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MY LEG ANXIOUSLY bounces against the floor as my eyes scan the packed room for his face but through the mass amount of people it was hard to see anything.

i can't find him anywhere and my patience is slowly disappearing, he was nowhere to be found.

anger began to seep through my veins as time passed, he promised he would be here for the biggest event in my life, promised to be at my graduation yet he never showed up.

he was the only person i wanted to share this moment with, my family, friends... no one mattered as much as he did.

my breath began to rise in speed as my anger grew, my eyes were set on each person in the crowd hoping he would be hiding somewhere, hoping he just got caught up somewhere, but all my hopes were destroyed by my own thoughts as he was truly not here, not where he was supposed to be.

i felt the air get sucked out of my lungs as they called my name. the crowd cheered as i slowly got up and walked on stage, my eyes were still scanning the room for him as i neared the podium.

with the crowd's eyes firmly planted on me my nerves started to kick in, my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, my breathing was shaky, and my legs felt like they were going to give out on me at any second. but i was determined to keep going for this moment was too important not to, as i approached the podium my eyes darted to the audience once again hoping this time i would see him.

but it seemed the universe had other plans for me that day as all i saw was a sea of unfamiliar faces staring at me. for a moment i forgot why i had made it this far, the reason for my hard work the reason for my struggles and the reason for my accomplishments as i felt all my achievements mean less without him there to see them i felt lost and defeated as a small tear began to roll down my cheek.

but i was quickly snapped back to reality as the person behind the podium told me that i needed to walk to get my diploma, i felt overwhelmed with frustration as i walked across the stage trying not to let anyone see how truly upset i was by him not being there.

as i reached the podium and took my diploma i felt a rush of emotions, frustration, sadness, anger and disappointment all ran through my mind.

i couldn't believe he had not shown up, he promised me he would be there and here i was standing in front of a crowd of people without the one person i truly wanted to share this moment with.

my legs felt shaky, my breath felt shallow and my heart felt like it was going to explode, but i forced myself to keep smiling and posing for pictures as i wanted to keep up the happy facade for the audience.

the ceremony was now over and i made my way home i couldn't help but feel bitter about his absence but as i opened the door i saw a familiar figure sitting on the couch and my heart stopped, i didn't know how to approach the situation. when he spotted my graduation hat his jaw dropped in shock, he couldn't believe i had actually graduated or maybe that he had actually missed it.

𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now