013||Jude Bellingham

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I TURNED THE key and pushed open the door to my office. I walked in and adjusted the blazer that I was wearing, although my pyjamas were underneath it. I did my normal routine as I usually would when I had clients later on in the afternoon, preparing for work in the office rather than at my house. 

I always felt a bit icky doing my makeup and getting ready this early in the morning, so i preferred to stay in the office where I could be comfortable. 

I left my belongings off to the side and prepared a coffee, turning on the speaker and selecting a playlist. I unfolded the curtains and natural light flooded the room. I sat down on my desk chair, beginning to do my makeup as I sipped on my coffee. I took my time, enjoying the calm atmosphere as I relaxed and got ready for the day ahead.

I began to sing along to my playlist as I patted my beauty blender to blend in my foundation. I was enjoying my early morning routine, happy that I had arrived early and wouldn't have to rush. I relaxed, kicking off my slippers and rubbing my feet against each other, my socks creating friction to warm up. 

I glanced over at my duffle bag, ensuring that I had packed the right outfit for today. I couldn't have imagined having to spend my whole workday in pyjamas, it would have been embarrassing, to say the least.

I had finished up my full face of makeup and decided to do my lips afterwards.

As I looked around my office, I noticed that I couldn't see my straightener from where I was sitting. I remembered that I had left it here last week and so I got up to look for it. 

After finding the straightener, I plugged it in and began doing my hair, undoing the messy bun and trying to look as presentable as possible. My hair was one thing that I liked to keep neat and tidy, especially on busy days like today.

I had many clients as the balondor event approached, but I wasn't stressed as I was practically mates with some of them which gave me a chance to act a little less professional.

I was straightening my bangs when I accidentally touched the straightener, wincing slightly and quickly moving my hand away. I had trouble doing my hair sitting down as well, partly due to the glare from the window but also because of the low angle of my laptop camera which i used as my mirror.

 So, I decided to stand up and continue my routine, straightening the rest of my hair as I brushed it continuously. It always seemed so much easier to get it right when I stood up, rather than having to crouch myself to a certain angle.

 My music was loud enough for me not to hear anything else but I could've sworn I heard a call of my name and the stairs creaking.

I cursed myself, seeing despite all the makeup, I still looked odd as I wasn't fully ready, i rushed to lower the music so I could hear who was coming up quickly turned down the music so I could hear better, and picked up my phone, glancing at the time. It was '6:53' and I couldn't think of a reason why anyone would be at the office this early in the morning.

I looked up as I heard my name being called again, this time recognized the voice as none other than Jude. I felt a slight surge of confusion as I saw him peeking through the door. I quickly fixed up my hair which was all tidy and straightened. 

"Jude? did I give you an appointment this early?" I asked, trying to recall if i had stupidly put him on an early schedule.

"Oh no, no I didn't have an appointment." he shook his head quickly in response, glancing back over at me, noticing i was in my pyjamas. "bad timing?" he asked, chuckling. I nodded, laughing in response, drawing over my lips with my lip liner and then adding lipgloss on top.

 "I thought that you were coming in much later," I added, sounding slightly puzzled. "What are you doing here already? Do you need anything?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"I just wanted to get Jobe an appointment, when are you free?" he hesitantly walked in after I invited him to have a seat on my sofa.

"I'm actually full today but i don't mind if he comes in with you this afternoon" I smiled at him as I tied the top half of my hair, creating a mini ponytail with the rest down. "you could've just texted me though" I added, analyzing his worried look.

"what's wrong?" I asked, moving my desk chair closer to him.

"I just had a random urge to come and now I realise it's kinda stupid now" he shrugged, looking annoyed with himself.

"Well, im happy to see you, regardless" i smiled, calming the tension between us. "you wanna show me what jobe likes? maybe I could be able to style him easily" I asked, making him loosen up and pull out his phone.

He handed me his phone, telling me to scroll through their chat with multiple pictures which jobe had sent him. I analysed jobe's sense of fashion, noticing he was nothing like what i had expected, he was simple, unlike Jude.

Jude poured himself a cup of coffee as i reached the end of the pictures. I scrolled below to check if jobe had added any extra information but instantly regretted it, as i had just exposed what looked like jobe pushing Jude to confess his feelings to me. My face immediately flushed in a deep red.

I froze, trying to process what i had just seen. Ever since our first appointment, it was no question that i had feelings for him. A rush of blood pumped through my veins as i glanced up at Jude who was making his way next to me. 

I looked up at Jude, unsure of what to say or do in this situation.

Jude must have noticed my reaction as he stepped closer to me, the look on his face filled with concern. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asked, his voice sounding soft and gentle. "what? is his style that bad?" he joked.

I scrolled to the picture, deciding not to address it. "nono i- he's got good style, just not what i expected, because his style seems more relaxed than yours." He nodded in response, taking his phone back. 

I grasped my duffle bag, telling him I'd go change in one of the rooms. I entered one of the stalls and began undressing as my phone buzzed quite a few times. I ignored it for now, sliding on my mid thigh length skirt and a simple blouse to pair with my blazer.

I sat on the booth on the side, checking my messages, coincidentally them being from jobe.

'JUDE LIKES YOU' he sent many times. i nervously laughed, as he showed his quality of being a snitch as the younger brother.

I walked out and saw Jude stuffing his face in his arms as he extended across the couch.

He glared up at me shyly. "i guess jobe told you, hm?" he bit his bottom lip nervously. I nodded, laughing as I approached him. "he found out that I was with you and took his chances" he joked, trying not to be awkward about it.

"We can just ignore this, i really don't want our friendship to get ruined over something small" he shook himself up, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"I like you too, Jude" i confessed, finally releasing it off my chest. "jobe knew, that's why he wanted you to confess" I watched as his eyes widened.

"so... does this mean i can take you out?" he asked, smiling widely.

"yes, Jude. that does mean you can take me out" i chuckled. "don't make it weird though, you're still my client" I watched as he got closer to me, his hands clinging to my hip.

"you have no idea how long i've had feelings for you" he groaned, letting his head stuff in the crook of my neck. "still unfair that jobe knew before me" he complained as i let out a soft chuckle.


inspo from that one tiktok that i will forever be jealous of; jude's personal shopper, dressing him up for the balon dor 😭

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