Blame It on the Alcohol

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THE RUMOURS ABOUT RACHEL BERRY PLANNING A PARTY, were true and now the Glee Club has to decide if they wanted to go

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THE RUMOURS ABOUT RACHEL BERRY PLANNING A PARTY, were true and now the Glee Club has to decide if they wanted to go. Zach and Nessa stood with Brittany and Santana, as Zach told them what he heard from Finn.

'Berry's having a party, I heard it from Finn.' He told the girls as him and joined them at Santana's locker.

'It sounds awful. Is anybody going?' Santana replied as she got her phone out. Nessa and Brittany did the same as the four walked down the hall.

'Let me find out.' Brittany said now calling Artie.

'Did you hear?'

'Yes. Mercedes just told me.' Artie replied to her, as Nessa started texting Tina about it.

'Tell them I'll go if they go.' Nessa over heard Mercedes say.

'Tell them yourself. I ain't no pony express.'

'You're going, right?' Mercedes asked Santana.

'Only if there's liquor, because a Rachel Berry party is not something I can do sober.' Santana explained to her, before Zach grabbed her phone.

'Same here, no Alcohol i'm not going.' He told Mercedes, giving Santana her phone back.

'But it's Alcohol Awareness Week.' Brittany added, not pleased with the twos comments.

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