Yandere Vox headcanons

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• Vox wouldn't want to use his hypnosis on you

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• Vox wouldn't want to use his hypnosis on you. Where's the fun in that? Winning you was a challenge he wanted to take on. Hypnosis wouldn't be necessary to control you. Besides, he'd know you'd come around eventually.

• And if you didn't come around? All he'd do would be sending you small subliminal messages. Suddenly you couldn't stop thinking about Vox, and you wouldn't know why. Every flash of his face on a screen made your heart race. You would start to wonder if you were in love with the demon. It's not as if Vox hypnotized you to fall for him . . he just subtly led you towards that conclusion.

• Vox would make sure the other Vees stayed away from you. Especially Valentino. You were beautiful and naïve, exactly the kind of person Val liked to prey on. But Vox? Vox was different. He could protect you. Maybe the TV demon's special treatment towards you made the moth jealous. Well, as long as you stayed by Vox's side, nothing bad would happen. :)

• Vox is an overlord. Of course that meant he dealt with souls, and yours was no exception. If you foolishly gave him your soul, he'd treat you differently. With other souls, he'd make them work long hours. Maybe even do his dirty work. But you? Oh, he'd only ask you to be with him at all times. He'd tell you it was for your safety, and maybe he'd even believe that as no other demon would dare touch you knowing you were his property. But in reality, he just liked knowing you were his.

• Despite being busy with work, Vox would always shower you with gifts: the latest phone, the newest television, and lots of security cameras to put around your house. You'd always had a fixation of technology, but now you could never be without it. It was perfect for Vox, who could watch you even as you slept (all for his love's safety, of course).


• Vox still hooks up with Valentino (as obsessed as he'd be with you . . he still couldn't drop Val) but the thought of a threesome is out of the question. Or you having any other relationship other than him. The TV demon would be selfish and hypocritical, not willing to sacrifice his own hookups but have your complete devotion.

• Vox would love it whenever you sucked his dick. Especially in professional settings. The thought of you under his desk, your mouth full of his cock, would turn him on.

• Hypnosis during sex (consensually) would always be a fun time. Having you mindlessly riding his dick, moaning with each thrust, his name on your lips. Just thinking about it would make his fingers buzz with electricity.

• Vox's tongue would be perfect for whenever he'd eat you out. Just imagine his head between your legs, sending just the slightest shocks as your thighs twitched, head thrown back in the pleasure. Seeing you that desperate for him would inflate Vox's ego even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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